Reading about Sandman’s new phone got me curious - what did you all get at your company weiya this year?
I got a dryer, which was great because ours just died.
Anyone else?
Reading about Sandman’s new phone got me curious - what did you all get at your company weiya this year?
I got a dryer, which was great because ours just died.
Anyone else?
I got the chance to meet Richard Hartzell at Forumosa’s weiya. And it was nice to see some of the cute lil’ kids our fellow 'mosans brought along. Had some good roast beef, too, thanks to TavernCap’n.
(I’m not eligible for prizes at my company weiya, because I don’t contribute to the pool which buys them; the pool is based on a fixed percentage of employee salaries. So I got to keep my several thousand NT instead.)
I got the bill … to pay …
I got very very drunk
I won a heater, years ago. They are for soft people, though. The day I turn up to my company’s stinking weiya again, hell will be getting more than a little frosty.
I got to miss two weiyas to teach.
That’s alright… it’s a good class.
Whole lotta food and drink missed out on though.
This year it seems my company is not having a weiya because all the foreigner teachers have put in their notice…not that I’ve been told it’s connected, just noticed no one has been invited to anything.
[quote=“superemma”]This year it seems my company is not having a weiya because all the foreigner teachers have put in their notice…not that I’ve been told it’s connected, just noticed no one has been invited to anything.[/quote]:lol: Company that good?
So I got to keep my several thousand NT instead.)[/quote]
I think that’s probably the best prize.
So did I.
My company provided only cash for the lucky draw. Won the first prize.
A fake ‘hand-made’ aboriginal boar tooth on plastic string from “Happy Lucky Taiwan Genuine Souvenir” From Crappy FarGlory International Gold Lucky Corp. and Foot Spa, Souvenir Division.
I won NT$500 in a drawing. Then I promptly paid my phone bill with it.
At least winning the money made suffering through the karaoke a little more tolerable.
This year —10000NT and a cordless phone…Not bad in terms of Weiya prizes…
Worst prize ever at a Weiya (a few years ago)–a Solomon Islands commemorative coin
As I was seated at the VIP table, I felt obliged to follow the VIPs’ example by declining the prize when my name was drawn and pulling out someone else’s name to receive it instead. But I felt like a bit of a fraud because I’m not really a VIP.
Anyway, I don’t think I really missed out on much, because the prize looked awfully necktie-shaped to me, and I’m very hard to please when it comes to neckties. (Unwearable gift neckties were useful for playing bondage games in my bachelor days, but I no longer do any stuff like that now that I’m married.)
syphilis. bitch.
3k in gift vouchers at mitsukoshi
Can’t complain about that
We had so much money to give away, I was embarrassed
Top prize was NTD100,000
After it was finished, I walked away with 2 bottles of Johnny Walker Black, and 2 bottles of Hennessey VSOP.
They should at least last me a few days.
3000 in cash, an RT Mart coupon for 2000, and two nights (all meals included) at the Lakeshore Hotel.
Not bad, eh?