What do you want your country to have that's like Taiwan, or vice versa?

From Taiwan: places to eat breakfast, more relatives, walkability, less divisive political climate, no mass shootings, stronger family bonds, less ideologically charged attitudes towards things like climate change and free trade.

For Taiwan: Better-painted buildings, better colleges, more cars, more space, more confidence in themselves as a people.


more cars, less motor scooters?

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More scooters, less cars.
:motor_scooter: :love_you_gesture:


I think it would be disastrous for victims of domestic abuse, road rage, and all-too-common gangster quarrels.

Put otherwise: hard pass.



Whoah this is utterly something isn’t it? When I arrived here, Taiwan was (and in some ways remains) as politically polarized as they get!


But those guys weren’t armed with guns. If anything it proves that guns don’t lead to violence. They’re just a tool to protect the rights of individuals especially as a safeguard against tyranny. In taiwan, tyranny is even closer to home as martial law only ended 30ish years ago

I disagree, I don’t think the right to own guns would change any if that.

Besides I do think there should be safeguards in place on gun ownership. Similar to the USA, criminals convicted of violent crimes should lose this right

My personal opinion: Gun owners who own for personal protection are Tools!


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I wish to say that I think giving all those domestic abusers, road ragers, and gangsters guns is a terrible idea. :slightly_frowning_face:



In Australia when we want to quit a job we call in sick frequently leading up to and after giving our notice. Sick leave in Aus accrues indefinitely but when you quit you don’t get them paid out so it’s use it or lose it :sweat_smile:

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Not personal protection, it’s to protect individual rights and persevere freedom. In America we say “in order to form a well regulated militia, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed upon” it boils down to an ultimate check against governments monopoly over violence.

Seems the courts agree it was self defense

Having a well functioning democracy does this as well without crazies shooting kids…


Make them available during wartime. Let’s not export Usa’s mass shooting problem.


And how do guarantee a democracy is well functioning ? Every system needs safeguards to ensure the rights of individuals aren’t swallowed up by an overreaching government

Agreed but the right to bear arms poses unnecessary risk to the individuals whose freedoms you want to protect. I think the freedom to live is more important.

Many countries function more democratically with more freedoms than the US without the right to bear arms.


This happens to be the part we disagree about

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I don’t think functioning should be the measure we strive for.

I missed the functioning DEMOCRACY part. Most democracies (including the us) have plenty of issues that I disagree with despite being functioning democracies

Same here but how does gun ownership solve these problems?
One of the biggest problems in the US (at least from the outside looking in) is gun violence