What do you want your country to have that's like Taiwan, or vice versa?

I wish Taiwan had international respect as a country like my country of birth.

Wish my country of birth (at least my province) had good health care.

I wish both places had cheaper real estate.


A week is 5 vacation days. He’s saying in his country you start with 14, which is nearly three weeks, and you get more each year after that. That’s a completely different ballpark.

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For Germany: More digitalization, clean MRT, breakfast shop, better coffee, skinnier & and feminine girls, closer family relations, higher home ownership, better customer service

For Taiwan : better working conditions, public kindergartens, cheaper flights, higher respect for manual jobs. High schools with practical specialization instead testing nonsense. No speed limit higway


I second this


Because the issue with violence isn’t because there are guns, it’s that people are being violent. If america somehow banned all guns overnight the violence wouldnt stop. The issues with violence in America are systemic. People are just using guns to commit that violence.

Just look at the UK for example. There’s plenty of non gun related violence there despite strict control over gun ownership

Whatever it is, it can’t be as bad as the left cancelling everybody or ethnonational populism on the right.

a few examples of political rifts: Waisheng ren looking down at bendi ren, KMT law makers sucking up and selling out to the CCP for profit, corruption in the local municipalities, cronyism, nepotism and organized crime.
if you read the papers and replace all the “Chen” with “Smith” it will be hard to differentiate between TW and other countries.

This makes no sense.

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That distinction has been all but erased from intermarriage. No one cares anymore.

I would also add for Taiwan: more confidence in themselves as a people.

This is something Americans excel at.


For my country: SAFETY! Not being worried of pickpockets, no street harassment. Also, public bathrooms everywhere.

For Taiwan: cheap fresh vegetables and the same variety I can get back home, being able to drink water from the faucet, respecting people’s privacy and personal space, predictable drivers.


In newer houses with newer building codes, this should be fine.


:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

This is true. I think it should begin with 15 days. It’s not like 5 days makes much difference.

For the US:. Affordable healthcare, extensive public transportation without needing car, public safety

For Taiwan: Clean air, healthy quality food options, wide open spaces


This is misleading.

Yes there will always be violent people everywhere in the world, but guns make people more violent for the simple reason that it is easier to kill someone. There has been study after study that shows more guns lead to more homicide. Places with higher rates of gun ownership with have higher rates of homicide.

If someone wants to commit suicide and you hand them a gun they are many times more likely to be successful than if you gave them pills or a razor to slit their wrists. Simply because it’s much easier to put a bullet through your brain. Likewise if someone is set on mass murder they will find it much harder to do with a knife than an AR-15. When things are harder, less people do them.

The presence of guns increases violence.


For Taiwan: more wokeness

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Mods delete pls.


I feel there is a happy medium on this one :upside_down_face:


:rofl: :sick:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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in cities. more and more connections as time goes on, but for new folks certainly ask. still quite a lot of households on wells. the village nextt mine has many houses connected and treated. gov says can drink, but everyone us scarred of getting sick still. not rare even with pipes water.

I would personally check with the authorities before trusting the water. even then, maybe not always.

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