What game are you playing?

Idk what to think about the game. One of the best stories so far. I’m really into the story and quests. Interesting characters.

But did you notice the shit or probably nonexistent AI for NPCs. I don’t think they react to the world at all in many cases.

The new patch made a huge difference. The graphics look so much better now. But the game crashes every hour for me still.

Havent had much time to play, moving houses next wk. Probably about 12 hours in, been pretty good so far except for a few T-poses and general weird graphical issues. I guess I’m one of the blessed few!

Woah, Sony is only issuing refunds but they removed Cyberpunk from the store just now.

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there is a youtuber who has a series on exactly this that you might find interesting.


cdpr should have kept pushing cyberpunk back, at least for the console release, based on what i’ve heard from everyone playing it. it’s a weird balance. i was really disappointed by the lack of news about elden ring last week, which we were expecting, but at the same time i don’t mind waiting even an additional year for them to get it right and not launch a mess that breaks immersion or crashes every 45 min.

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My issue is they clearly knew it’s broken on PS4/Xbox. That’s why they didn’t allow any reviews on those. Then they came out with an apology like they weren’t aware it’s that bad. They clearly knew they wanted to sell as many copies as possible and deal with it later.

It was also broken at launch for the PS5, I can only imagine what it is on the PS4 base and not even the pro. The patch made the game look much better for me on the PS5 now, at launch it looked like a PS3 game. I could barely see anything.

ah i don’t have a ps5, but that seems to prove my point. just don’t put out garbage. i know it’s a big project and people have been waiting, but i think most real fans are willing to wait the extra time to get a quality product. all games have bugs and require patches at launch of course but yeah this one seems to have had it roughhhh

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Very short sighted of them imo. They really betrayed their fan base with this. People loved CD project.

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true. i’ll probably wait until it’s actually good and modded to all hell like skyrim or something lol. i’m a fan of srpg’s, and jrpgs more anyway, i never got deep into the witcher series, but i know it’s earned it’s praised as a modern masterpiece of the genre. cool how cd project red bases their games off books (the witcher) and table top rpgs (cyberpunk).

edit: jrpg’s makes me sound like a total weeb, i mean more like from software games. and a few final fantasy titles like IX and tactics.

i had never heard about Pathologic before being introduced to it by hbomberguy on youtube. i’m now obsessed with the video, even though the game seems too difficult for me. anyone here tried it? i know the video is long, but it’s so good i’ve watched it thrice.

Epic games is doing there “give away a free game a day sale” now. Right now, they are giving away Metro 2033 Redux (which is a good game) for free.

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Saving you guys the time to look for the link :wink:

CD project red really pissed off everyone.

It’s been a BioShock autumn. The first one a few months ago; and finished BioShock Infinite a few days ago - except for the extra content, which really should wait until the semester is done.

They’ve been interesting. Boy do I suck at combat in games, but at least (on a computer with trackpad) Infinite was much easier to manage than BioShock. For the latter, I just maxed out the wrench and used that for everything, on easy mode.

I bought them years ago in a Steam sale; finally got around to playing them because Infinite won’t play on the 2019 (yes, 2019) MacOS update, so I figured I’d better finally play it since an OS update will eventually become inevitable. And it seemed to make sense to play #1 (which has been updated to the new OS design) before #3, although having now played both, I don’t think it would have made much difference. I didn’t notice anything that would have been spoiled; a couple of minor points would have made a little less sense, but that’s it I think.

One of these days I’ll get around to BioShock 2, but Hades (bought at a much more recent Steam sale) has priority. However, I really should stay away from any new games until the semester is done.

He says while posting on forumosa, ignoring the massive pile of work to be done.


Bioshock 1 is the best. Going to Rapture the first time was magical.





What are some easy games on the playstation for the gf. Games that you can’t die and not shooters.

All the Lego games.

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