What game are you playing?

Bought myself Ghost of Tsushima for Christmas. So far it is gorgeous and the story seems good.


Enjoy, such a great game.

Did anyone play Last if Us part 2?

It’s on sale now.

Has she tried platformers? Tends to be the most popular one with non-gamers. Either that or some cutesy farming game.

Ooh Life is Strange was pretty dope and its barely a game. More like an interactive show.

If you are playing Red Dead Redemption 2, there is a house under the N in Bayou Nwa where a hillbilly will invite you in and give you food… Don’t go in. If you do he will knock you out, then take your manhood, and 1 dollar, and dump you for dead. You can go back and feed him to an alligator but you can’t ever take your manhood back. Not to mention Bill will get on your case about it…

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tricky towers. it’s like competitive tetris that she might like. my gf kicks my ass at soul caliber every time even though she barely plays games so, maybe try a fighter? also a lot of devolver games are simple platformers or mechanically simple, colorful, stylized, good music, etc.

Yes, it was a good game. If you can get it for sale and you enjoyed the first, I’d say it’s a better game than the first. It’s brutal though, really heavy. Not a masterpiece, but very engaging and FUN throughout. Like, I finished the game months ago and it’s taking up way too much space on the ps4 but I can’t bring myself to delete it because I think about it often and want to play it again soon.

I’ve heard the game was wayyy too long and boring in some parts.

Um, I think the industry standard with triple a titles is somewhere in the 30-40 hour ballpark. I don’t remember ever being bored or feeling the game overstayed it’s welcome. But like I said, I really enjoyed it.

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I want to play Kentucky Route Zero, all 5 acts, my current interest.

Any suggestion on how to play?

I’m considering Google Stadia. But they don’t have it. It’s on Steam, but I’m not on Steam.

I’ll have a USA account, while being in Taiwan.

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Ever try Rayman Legends? Surprisingly fun, and good for non-hardcore gamer types.

Playing Sekiro now. Gorgeous and it scratches that Dark Souls itch better than anything since the original Dark Souls (never played Bloodborne but I hear that one is pretty good as well).

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Playing Cyberpunk 2077.

I stayed out because I thought you needed a freaking supercomputer to play it. I mean I have a i3 8100, 16G of RAM, a Geforce 1050 (not Ti), and a shitty harddrive, so I thought the game would probably let the magic smoke out.

Turns out I was wrong.

Sure it’s not running at 60fps without interruptions but it’s better than I expected, you know at least looks pretty decent and playable.

I like it more than GTA


Bloodborne was my first from software game and my favorite for years. I just beat DS3 for the first time last week, on NG+ now. Sekiro is awesome. I’d say DS3 is my favorite now as I play it every day. But the real game I’m playing… is the waiting game :frowning:

I’ve watched this too many times.

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After putting 100+ hours into Hades (absolute masterpiece of a game btw), I’ve been checking out other games by the same studio, Supergiant. Almost done with Bastion then onto Transistor and Pyre.
I’ve also been playing chess and go online since watching Queen’s Gambit :upside_down_face:

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Also is anyone playing Hero Wars?

I’m in server 33 on the Facebook version. Mobile version sucks, stuff costs way more and they give out way less free stuff, and also less content too.

DS3 was amazing no doubt but the combat was too similar to the first two, its novelty was wearing off. Especially for people like me that had played multiple playthroughs of DS 1 and 2.

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But can you die in the game?

She doesn’t like the pressure of dying in the game. Just adventure stuff.

I downloaded Resident Evil 7. My last exam is tomorrow so I will load it up and play after. Mentally exhausted the last week for exams. Grad school exams make undergrad exam look so easy. Feels like 2x the information going at 2x the pace.

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sekiro must be a breath of fresh air then! also, try bloodborne! it’s so good!

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Stardew valley is very popular for casual gaming. For my friends who are less of ‘gamers’ I also recommend Untitled Goose Game and Human: Fall Flat. There are some great puzzle games like Portal 2 and baba is you.

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