What happened with feminism


Swing and a miss.


because, no financial power often means subordination to breadwinner.


I was talking with my son about Jordan Peterson. Feminism came up as a rather negative term and I said, “wait. I’m a feminist.”
My son chuckled and said, “no mom, you’re not. Feminism doesn’t mean what it used to mean. You need to stop calling yourself that.”
He then proceeded to explain what happened to the movement.
I’m now having an identity crisis :sweat_smile: I’ve always said that if course I was feminist cause I have a vagina. But I think my son is right; my word has been hijacked.


:smile: You don’t need to change anything, not any more than I might need to change my own perception of being a liberal.

So some people use the name and represent some things you don’t believe, that doesn’t give them the right to take over the real estate. It means something to you, I imagine much the same as it does to me and in my day, men could be feminists too, it was principles of equality and equal opportunity and opposing discrimination.

I will still call myself a feminist, but disagree with some of the ideas put forward under the guise of feminism.


I agree more with second and third wave feminism, which was more about gender equality, and less with fourth wave feminism, which acts as if the only way to elevate women is to put down men.


Naw, it’s about the types who opposed the original movement tooth and nail, but when society moves on they turn around and claim they always supported it in the past, but these new guys go too far. Abolition, suffrage, Civil Rights movement, gays, gay marriage, trans- whatever is happening right now is going too far- 30 years from now they’ll be saying “of course I supported taking down the statue of Robert E. Lee, but there radicals nowadays…”

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Thanks @MikeN1, but I thought your post was in response to my question to @Uncreativeusername, which is who/what is this “Mr. Toilberg”?

Any relation to Zoidberg?
Zoidberg Valentine's

I don’t even think they want to elevate women. They have no issues tearing any woman down who commits thought crimes. It’s more about ideological purity than elevating women for some of them.

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I think this is the most annoying aspect of it. It’s like BLM, they make it seem like if you oppose aspects of that movement, you’re against black lives. There are aspect of BLM that has nothing to do with black people. Some of the modern feminist ideology seems to even be counter productive for women, like the whole trans athlete thing.


That’s not a feminist thing, though. It’s a human thing. An anti-feminist is just as capable of doing it. Example:

It’s a good film, but to summarize: the men who oppose women’s suffrage do so on religious/cultural grounds – women belong in the kitchen, so saith the Bible and all that.

The most powerful woman in town also opposes empowering women because she doesn’t want other women to suffer the tyranny of being empowered.

Dr-Evil-Air-Quotes-Laser gif

I have an idea, we could ask a woman about this since its about feminism.

Quick, someone go find a woman somewhere and ask!

A woman’s been posting in this thread.


More than one actually. It may be a record.


this is why he’s posting on Forumosa, it’s what he thinks and he’s smart enough not to say it IRL

woah! Smart son you’ve raised.

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In grad school for finance. We have about a 60/40 guy to girl ratio. The only way they’ve achieved this to make it look good is by getting Female Chinese students, some of them barely speak English.

I’ve seen like 3 western women in the entire finance program so far.

JK Rowling agrees with you.

A ridiculous situation. IELTS in China is corrupt anyway, there was a huge scandal about it a few years back.

I’ve not heard about that. Do you know what happened?

There was a famous scandal in Australia where one of the examiners was hacking into the computer system to change the band scores of candidates who were bribing him.