What happened with feminism

A lot of professors in the UK were puzzled why so many Chinese students had great IELTS scores but their English was atrocious. It was later found to be corruption in China. It was a long while back, there is probably something on google about it. Lots of people got fired I heard.


I would think so. I also think some of them can do it on paper to pass the test but can’t really speak very well.

But if you’re a woman, get into finance. If you have any level of talent, big firms will be fighting over you. You can make 100k plus your first year with a bonus easily.

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I’m so glad I clicked on the link. I got a lot of useful technical advice. I didn’t bother to switch the sound on, but nevertheless, well worth watching.

@Uncreativeusername: I’ve done occasional rants related to (some of) your points elsewhere. The bottom line is that Western governments figured out something that dictators and tyrants never did: there is no level of human debasement, enslavement, or compliance that humans will not demand as their God-given right, as long as you dangle it just a little out of reach.

Mark Twain got a chapter of lucrative literature out of the same observation.

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IELTS has a speaking section that is highly open to subjectivity. It is judged one on one by one relatively poorly paid judge.
As to your other point, Yes I know two Taiwanese females who made around that
on their first year working for banks just one year after doing their masters in the UK. One was around 80K , not including bonuses and housing allowance…

IELTS examining isn’t that badly paid, IMO. The examiner gets paid 380NT per candidate and examines 3-4 candidates per hour.

It’s probably about 1300NT an hour on average. Plus there’s no prep or dealing with students.