What has Trump done for Taiwan so far?

Okay, please lay out an way or your solution to how a rape victim should go about this? Not being snide but really would like to know.

To slap your gf on the butt and make a joke is something apart of your relationship that one probably shouldn’t judge because they don’t know the dynamics. However, you’d need to keep in mind the optics of it and the judgement people will have.

Why there’s some defending of this behavior is strange to me. Of all the hills to die on this is the one? Errrr…

And yes, I diagnosed him with NPD so did other professionals with years of experience.
Others say no because truth be told it goes against the hippocratic oath. But since I’m not at risk of losing my credentials or saying it to be gib (but as someone who’s dealt with two people who have it,) I say this : if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, looks like a duck, then it’s mutha[bleep]ing duck.

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I’m not talking about run of the mill narcissism, like Kim Kardashian or your average Joe who’s a jerk.

I’m talking about a legit personality disorder that’s been in the DSMV.

I know it’s not, it’s just an ego thing. Back to what you said about them learning the hard way and it hurting…you’re wrong, it won’t. Because they’d rather deny reality to preserve their ego, like the guy they worship.

I would love to be wrong, but I don’t think I’ll be too far off the mark. For some it will be about perserving their ego, and they probably were like that. A feature not a bug. But for others, it’s going to hurt because it’s going to affect their bottom line, and losing money, jobs, etc hurts.

I don’t think you’re being snide, I apologize if I personally came off that way.

I think one form of evidence that needs to be collected is from forensics. I can get a small comprehension although never fully of how difficult it must really be to go through it as someone who has not been raped and witness a close friend who I still keep in touch with go through it. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s something that should be done going to the hospital, police, or various rape help lines. There are people to help you, it’s not easy to seek help, but it’s still important towards evidence. Police questioning, and your stories should match up, should it not?

Collaborating stories and eye witnesses. It looks like many of the accusations were in public places in front of others I would assume, getting collaborating evidence of the events is something that is also important.

I personally knew some of the rapists involved in the case I am mentioning. Just acquaintances, we were in college and go to the same parties. I managed to get evidence from texts and even a video of them making her get undressed hammered out her mind she can’t stand. SO it can be done. It needs to be done.

Of course, it’s meant to be private People say all sorts of ridiculous things unfiltered when they believe they are in private.

I’ve been around people with personality disorders in a clinical setting. Some of them had NPD. It takes some more in depth analysis to make a legit diagnosis. Not from some tweets in political interviews. He may have it, he may not. I do not know and i’m not a clinical psychologist, although I had a lot of time training to be a therapist.

I would take any accusations seriously and listen. But I would not base someone’s guilt based on it without evidence. That is where I stand.


Nope didn’t think you were. Just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t coming across that way.

Here’s where I’ve got questions about getting the facts about a rape.

What happens if someone takes a shower after the act. How is physical evidence gathered then?

How is a case built if the victim was drugged?

How is a case built if there were no witnesses. Or none willing to come forth?

What if a pregnancy is a result? Should the victim give birth as proof (DNA testing)?

So many and probably more questions I have.

I find Trump being able to still become president after all of these accusations almost sureal. To think of prior candidates who had to drop out the race because of a whiff of sexual impropriety.

My my times have changed.

Yes I agree here, but I also think a lot of the hardcore motivation in supporting him is not out of seriousness for any issue in particular. Especially when you see it online. I don’t think Joe Farmer and the kind of people you see backflipping for him online are typically the same person.

Regarding society, I think narcissism actually runs pretty deep, a lot deeper than you or I would like to believe, along with a lot of other nasty things our tree-swinging ancestors graced us with. Cult-45 and it’s unwillingness to admit fault/objective reality is direct evidence of that, is it not?

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I’m not a detective, but just like anything else, evidence needs to be collected. Are there cases where someone gets away with it because of various factors, yes. There will be an uncomfortable amount. But in my eyes, wrongfully charged is worse. Presumption of innocence is a concept I hold above else in these cases and a fundamental right in a civilized society.

Do you believe a person is presumed guilty based solely on accusations, even if it is 23 of them? I do not, do you?

Oh yes. It’s so evident in today’s ethos. Blatant. I’d say the New Age era birthed what we see today. I like to think racism is a form of narcissism. Reframing it thru the behaviors of someone who is NPD helps understand some motivating factors.

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I think he is responsible for some of the behaviors he’s being accused of.

Let’s put it this way. It’s never occured to me to accuse him of something he’s not.

Most people are narcissists. That’s just human nature.

Some are smart enough to make it work for them, and some aren’t.

I would agree that everyone has some. But there’s garden variety (beautiful folks, jocks, etc) and there’s NPD. Big difference.

Garden variety isn’t trying to reck your mind and spirit. NPD go for the juggler. They are the absolute no f*cks given.

Very well, I’m bowing out here. Enjoying my last days in Paris of vacation so I’ll be staying off here.

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I’d argue it’s much more important to be self-aware of traits like this, and to guard against it, to evolve society and stuff. And that self-awareness of such traits is a big part of what has allowed society to evolve in the first place, creating institutions that serve society, like law enforcement and health care.

If one’s personal wealth goals revolve around building a wall to secure the biggest banana tree, then it makes sense to make it work for you.

Public service and narcissism, however, don’t go together at all, literally and figuratively. Which is why nobody cared that Trump was a narcissist businessman but a lot more care that he employs that trait as president.

Sounds like something a puppet of the media would say…

You gotta give as good as you get. The defense against narcissism looks an awful lot like narcissism.

To put it another way: you don’t have to be a narcissist, but it’s a good idea to act like one.

I am. I’m not afraid to admit that I’d vote for somebody more likely to look out for my interests. Caucasians seem to be in a good position, so being Caucasian, I’d like it to stay that way.



Hell no. Only highly skilled people carefully selected should be allowed in.

And let me guess of the “Caucasian” variety, right?

No. You assume too much.

Only going off what you posted before.