What is the age of consent in Taiwan?

housecat: apology accepted. It’s easy to misjudge others and make false assumptions online because we can’t hear the person’s tone of voice or look them in the eyes. It seems even easier for a thread to digress into a pissing match. It just offended me to be judged as quite possibly the most contemptible type of human being. I am still waiting for Huang Guang Chen to come to his senses and apologize…

I usually hate to correct people’s errors (after all, we all are human), but in this instance it was too good of an opportunity to pass up a good zinger. By no means am I some grammar Nazi!

Apologise, for what?

You were following a particularly creepy line of inquiry there bud, you were called on it and explained yourself. I see no need to apologise.

By the way, nothing to do with your location being Bangkok, that’s pretty much my second home.


Perhaps it may appropriate to also list the “ageofjustifiablehomicide” along with “ageofconsent” website.

[quote=“UKbikerchic”]Getting back on topic, according to my Taiwanese friends and students the legal age is 16 for girls and 18 for boys.

Now don’t ask me why and my friends and students can’t tell me either.[/quote]

I believe that’s the case in lots of countries – that the age of consent is younger for females than males. I’m not sure the exact reason, but here’s a few possible choices. Feel free to pick which one/s you believe.

a. Girls mature earlier than boys, so they’re capable of making intelligent choices earlier.

b. Guys need to work and go to college and do all that serious stuff, girls just need to look pretty and satisfy their man, so we don’t want guys to get sidetracked with sex and babies too early, but with girls it’s no biggie since they’ve got nothing better to do.

c. In the great majority of human relationships, males prefer a younger female and females prefer an older male, so it’s only natural.

d. Older guys have always preyed on vulnerable younger females; might as well formalize the practice legally.

e. Heck, 16 year old girls are hot. It would be cruel to deprive guys of the opportunity to enjoy them while they’re fresh.

f. Hormones, hormones, hormones. 16 year old girls have estrogen coursing through their veins. They need it, they want it, and one way or another they’re gonna get it. It’s an insatiable hunger than can’t be stopped.

g. Most laws are written by men. What do you expect?


get the 20 somethings. nobody needs to go lower then them in TAiwan.

Amazing how a simple question which required a two number answer could extend to seven pages.

Wondering which is hardest, a wolverine or a pitbull doesn’t make me one of those blokes who makes animals fight in a pen. Wondering how many people an atomic bomb could kill doesn’t mean I want to set one off. Similarly asking what the age of consent is doesn’t make one a paedo.

Get off your moral judgement high horses you sanctimonious cunts!

So what is the age of consent in Taiwan?

LOL… finally some controversy in the D&R again. We’ve had a long dry spell, ever since tommy has left.

Boy, jaame, you really haven’t checked out this forum before posting the question if you didn’t see this coming. Why so touchy? We had fun with this one. Thanks for starting it.

Age? What age? I thought this thread was about who’s a pervert and who’s not?

I didnt happen to know that I left? :whistle:

But hes right, simply asking the question is not saying ones a perv.

I believe that the age of consent in Taiwan is still 18, but some say its 16?

NO idea, but personally even when I was in my teens, I dint have any girlfriends who were teens. I liked the 20 somethings even then.

Today I should like the 30 somethings and the 40 somethings, which i do. The 20 somethings still get my attention tho, nothign wrong with the mid to late 20 somethings, thats for shoh.

[quote=“jaame”]Get off your moral judgement high horses you sanctimonious cunts!
So what is the age of consent in Taiwan?[/quote]
I would venture that the age in question is several years higher than that of one who makes posts such as this.
Just my guess.
And what the heck is a “paedo”?

[quote=“TainanCowboy”][quote=“jaame”]Get off your moral judgement high horses you sanctimonious cunts!
So what is the age of consent in Taiwan?[/quote]
I would venture that the age in question is several years higher than that of one who makes posts such as this.
Just my guess.
And what the heck is a “paedo”?[/quote]

That would be short for paedophile surely? American can’t spell it so say Pederast or something right?

Reminds me of the Chief.

Last Friday he told me he came home from work to find his girlfriend packing her bags.

“I’m leaving!” she shouted.

“But, WHY?” he pleaded.

“I found out you’re a pedophile!” (She spelled it properly.)

“My,” he replied, “That’s an awfully big word for a 12 year-old!”

Nobody calls 'em paedos these days. The poor saps doon sooth call them nonces whiles the real men up north call them by the proper scientific term – stoat-the-baws.

Yes, because the 20 year olds have the emotional maturity of 15 year olds back home.

it depends on what you going to do
but mostly is 18

[quote=“chungtw01”]it depends on what you going to do
but mostly is 18[/quote]

I’ve heard said that if their feet touch the floor when they’re on the toilet, that’s old enough… :smiling_imp:

This thread’s a beauty!

No-one ‘owns’ these words, right? I mean, I can reproduce them elsewhere? Are they copyrighted in any way?

I’m 22, and I don’t lie to people. And being that I keep it legal, I can say without any guilt that you would not believe the slice of pie I had last night. But if I’m still chilling with teenagers in 3 years (three’s ok right?), be my accounta-bil-a-buddy and tap me on the shoulder. Also, I might be being used for sex. :doh:

Anybody ever make that t-shirt?

…and a contribution to the vulgar ‘consent aphorism’ contest, “Grass on the field, will play. No grass, play in the dirt.”

No s**t?

No shit. I like to think I’m smart enough to have figured out where it’s at while I still have some primo years ahead of me.

Remember capitalists: free association only happens to mutual benefit~