What is your favorite district in Taipei/New Taipei City and why?

Taipei MRT is outstanding. Try an underground train system in any other city and compare.

EDIT: London number 2. LOFL. It’s air conditioned. The air conditioning on the Northern Line is always the highlight of my travel experience.


Taipei city: Xinyi and Da’an
I live in that vicinity and hang out around there mostly.

New Taipei City:
Banqiao & Xindian
Banqiao since it’s quite lively and can find anything you’re looking for there. Xindian, well I like the peace of Xindian sometimes.

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If they put Tokyo on this list then Taipei should have been there. I thought Tokyo was a pita.

London number 2 is a bit weird. Yes, it’s extensive. But other than the Jubilee Line it’s really old and crap.

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what fool made that list? the london tube is a shambles. feels like i’m walking into the london dungeon everytime i need to use it.

taipei has the best metro i’ve used anywhere. hong kongs isn’t bad but the travel time from the entrance to the platform is like 30 minutes. and i found tokyos to be a bit confusing and just nasty when i got squished in rush hour.




The poster missed

  1. Tucheng

Whoever puts ZhongHe and YongHe in their list of best districts. Must seek professional help.

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Stop mansplaining me…

you are welcome, happy to help

Still scratching my head on this one :grin:

Xinzhuang 4 life


I know what my LEAST favorite area is. My wife’s aunt lives in Sanchong, and there’s absolutely nothing to do there. Whenever we visit we end up walking down these endless alleyways between huge buildings that block out the sun. Very claustrophobic.

I’ve never lived in Taipei, but when I visit I always end up at the Taipei City Government MRT stop for shopping/eating purposes. I like the burgers at the Texas Roadhouse even though they’re so big they make me ill. I like wandering around in the bowels of the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi. I end up at Jungxiao Shinsheng a lot for the same reasons.

He probably lives up in the mountains, like in one of the Gardens: Rose Garden City, New Garden City, etc. Anything after Ankeng is countryside. Heck, last time I took a bus up there I actually went by a horse farm, with horses!

I love Xindian, but Xindian is huge. If I had to pick, I still keep my Dapinglin for convenience, but it would be nice to live in the new places by Magong Park or along Wenhua/Sanmin roads, with the trees and all. Bitan is cute, but have you ever trying crossing that wood bridge pre/post typhoon? If you live there, there is no other choice. And it pains me to see the old street so dilapidated and basically wasted space. It could be so cool… At least we have many traditional markets and stuff.

I also love the area around main station, Taoyuan road, Zhongshin road, all the way up to Shanglien. And on the other side, Huashan up to Guanghwa. Lots to explore, cool places.

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Danshui must be it.

All of Taipei converge on danshui in the afternoon. The district must have 90% of greater Taipei resident or something. That highway is the only way in or out of the district aside from MRT, and it’s seriously crowded.

Is it the low rent?

Not easy to reach but I like laying in the middle of this district and looking up at the sky.


I like country District a lot but the problem for me is the ‘Taiwanese problem :grin:’, inconvenient.

Are you referring to the big Renai traffic circle? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone in there except workers who tend to the plants.

I dream of Tokyo-ish system with TRA commuter lines, Taipei Metro and Taoyuan Metro criss-crossing under, on-, and above ground.

Of course that never happen, the TRA Tamsui line simply moved underground to MRT Tamsui line. And so on.