What is your favorite district in Taipei/New Taipei City and why?

I am thinking out of the box here.

  1. Banciao
  2. Zhonghe
  3. Yonghe
  4. Sanchung
  5. Hsinjhuang
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Hsin Chuang well I don’t like the place but I’m near at MRT station.
HsinYi district near 101 - Good - but everything are too expensive.
Yangming Shan - I like this place it was clean.

I guess I need to go out more :wink:

This reminds me of the personification of the MRT lines.


All the MRT lines are gay men? :thinking:

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


The brown line is brown because it’s pretty much poop…

The brown line is actually the best one. It goes through the nicer areas.

The orange line though …

it’s poop because the train can’t handle the volume going through the line, not to mention the seat is that thing where there’s space for 3 people but only 2 seats unless the 2 is very large people.


its bitter sweet. you get a nice view but its tiny and cramped. and the connections take a full 15 minutes to walk to.

That’s hyperbole. The connections take maybe 5 minutes to walk to. 15 minutes would be in London (like Green Park) or Paris (Chatelet-les Halles) or Tokyo (now that’s cramped).

Damn, how slow you walkin’?

The seat design on the brown line is definitely bogus. Why the hell are the seats on the tiniest train so widely spaced? It just don’t make no damn sense.

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It’s a district alright, but it’s a huge area that includes everything from Jiantan to Shezi island to Tianmu to the palace museum neighborhood to Yangmingshan, each with a different character. I think the OP meant to ask specific neighborhood rather than district?

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I guess it’s what happens when you rely on foreign talents to do everything for you. What would they know about Taiwan’s needs?

i might not have been totally accurate but thats how long it feels so i am sticking with it.

the blue line was the first line, so that explains the crap cars. whenever i ride it i do wish they built more above ground lines though.

It’s pretty romantic riding around above ground with a view of the city below. As much as I dump on the brown line (ha) I do really enjoy that about it.


The (extraordinarily shitty) brown line was only ever meant to be a medium-capacity (genius :roll_eyes:) line and was designed in conjunction with French consultants.
All the lines thereafter were planned as high-cpacity lines with US consultants.

I take the brown line every day for work. Yes it’s low capacity but they did figure out how to maximize the efficiency. In morning rush hour the trains coming from Taipei towards nangang are 20-30 seconds apart I kid you not. Amazes me how they sorted that out. Trains have to be piling up at nangang all morning.

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They have to or else the brown line will back up like a clogged toilet…

And because the trains are automated they can run them very close and as long as the computer is keeping track, nothing should happen.