What job or opportunity would be great enough to convince you to go back to your home country

I haven’t been a wage slave for so long I can barely remember what it was like other than it wasn’t good. I make my own jobs now and it’s going well. Had a company in Taiwan for many years. Just incorporated a startup in Japan. Taiwan Luthier has been helping me get my first product off the ground and I have to say he’s been doing a great job. He’s a real craftsman.


Have you considered moving to Taiwan?

There are also places in Europe that will pay you to live there and some offer tax benefits like no taxes for a few years.

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Well done. That’s awesome on a bunch of different levels.


That is 110% your problem then. The Job Market, especially for anything involving tech or crypto, is as good as it will ever be in your life.

And you found work here?

Working on leaving Taiwan now. It’s gotten too expensive here for what you get, and too many expats have become overly self-righteous about the place. My job is location independent, just needs to be in the time zone so every day I question myself as to why I’m not in Thailand or Malaya.

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Well I took a job here to be with my girlfriend who I want to marry. I could find teaching gigs in America no problem. I was talking about the job market for tech/high paying gigs (specifically in the UX field or project management)

Maybe it’s good for developers?

Anyway, I’m willing to pass up money to be in Taiwan for many reasons. But if it’s a job that matches my passions (UX research for game development) and it also pays well… That becomes much more tempting

Nothing is required at all. I’d go back tomorrow if it were about my job.

My family has been following around my wife’s career path for the last several years while I’ve kept my US job and just worked it remotely. We will be leaving Taiwan soon for another Asian country as she gets experiences in different markets. She thought about accepting a job in NYC but we decided against that as I will not allow the children to be raised there nor will I accept an arrangement where she live/works in the City during the week and at home on weekends. If the job were really good enough we could have found an acceptable place from which to commute daily, but it wasn’t.

So basically we would just need about (1) 50-70% of what she makes in Taiwan (2) in a place in the US in which we would agree to live and (3) in a job which lets her grow her skills.

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I’d look again. The GameFi sector has gotten billions in VC money dumped on it and is trying to poach talent. Lots of people don’t want to work for crypto companies, so they pay a big premium on salaries.

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Good choice. The goddamned traffic nightmare getting in and out of the city is enough of a reason not to move there.

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That does make sense. I feel wary of the whole crypto market myself. Maybe it’ll take off but I suspect another .com type bubble might burst. Especially since the us government won’t be too happy with a competing currency forever

We moved back to the uk four years ago and jobs was a big part of it (better pay, opportunities, work conditions etc.). However, due to the coronsies my company is now moving to offering fully remote working, so we’ll be spending more of our time in Taiwan once the QT situation improves.

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Yes, but not now. I’m not into Taiwanese women.

What are some places?

Croatia I know for one.

The ones that are economically shit. Spain, Italy, Portugal.

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That’s … nice to hear. I remember him being depressed.


Good job, @Taiwan_Luthiers


I was just mulling this question over today. A job offer in a very good US suburban school not too far from my parents. USD 74K/yr, .67 FTE. To be clear, full time probably wouldn’t bring that salary up more than a few hundred USD, but dear god am I questioning my decision to deal with Taiwan’s 7:40 am to 5pm with mandatory desk warming for less than 30k USD/yr right now. A mortgage on any house in the area will be well over USD 2k/month, but it’s a very nice area, so I’d have myself a chance to build equity, which is totally out of the question anywhere in TW.


I been doing retail for so long that I rather starve than do it… it’s soul crushing and you are basically required to be better than Jesus. Asshole customers? Turn the other cheek. Oh and the pay sucks too. The most I ever made in my life was working Walmart in Austin, take home pay of about 1600US a month if I worked full time (and this is after withholding, if you put in “2” in your W4). That’s about 50,000nt a month. You’d be lucky to get half that in Taiwan doing retail.

That’s the minimum wage so you would definitely get half of that in Taiwan doing retail.

When climate change evolves another 100 years, i am happy to return to canada :slight_smile: otherwise taiwan is far more financially promising unless china ruins everything.