What movies are you watching? (2021)

Because of?

The anti-hero?

Or somewhat realistic portrayal of real life drugs alcohol greed sex?

Anyway, hate him and everything about him and everything else but as a movie production, it’s pretty good.

It’s extremely masturbatory, and I never liked Scorsese movies.

He’s overrated, but I liked Goodfellas and his remake of Infernal Affairs

Goodfellas is ok but The Departed is horrible. Ew.

Goodfellas is a fucking classic, but I agree with you on Wolf of Wall Street…very shallow and formulaic.

Classic doesn’t mean love, and Goodfellas is such a straight white male movie.

Not sure what that means. Or if that’s good bad beautiful ugly or just life

You say that like it’s a bad thing…


Meaning it’s self-indulgent and annoying.

Well it appeals to a certain demographic.

I just don’t understand dismissing a movie just because it stars a certain demographic. I’m a “straight white male”, but there’s plenty of African American centered films, LGBTQ centered films, Asian centered films, etc. I enjoy. Why must something be dismissed on that basis?


I didn’t dismiss it. It’s just a fact that gangster movies appeal to a certain demographic. I don’t particularly enjoy them.

If you mean males in general, then sure.

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I like Mean Streets and Goodfellas- not crazy about Casino. Think his best was Taxi Driver (favorite movie ever!) followed by Raging Bull and King of Comedy. Rest you can keep (actually After Hours was fairly good; haven;'t seen Silenced).

I know I’m in the minority, but I prefer ‘Casino’ over ‘Good Fellas.’

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Yeah, that’s a good way to get a flame war started some places!

Definitely meeting you on that.


In that category (ok it’s the 50s but all the same) my favourite so far would be

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How’s that all the same?

My best film in the 60s is this:

Or this


My two favorite films from the 60s


(Probably give the slight edge to Dr Strangelove)

Dr. Strangelove is the kind of movie I can see why it’s so loved, but I just couldn’t invest in. I guess you can say I respect/appreciate it more than I love it.

Another 60s masterpiece:

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Funnily enough, that’s how I feel about the other classic 1960s Kubrick film ‘2001.’