What movies are you watching (2022)

Community. Still funny even now.


I was doing a rewatch until I realized Netflix removed the D&D episode because of Chang’s dark elf costume. One of my favorite episodes :angry:

I feel like Everything, Everywhere, All At Once blasts them both away.

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Sniper. The White Raven. Kickass Ukrainian Rambo movie that almost made me want to enlist in the Ukrainian army and kill Rooskies. Subtitles.

Interesting insights into the nature of the separatist war in Donbas.


Weird Al Yankovic story with Daniel Radcliffe as Al coming out in a few months.

IMDb: : Weird: The Al Yankovic Story


Maybe I was having a bad day but I didn’t like it.

Yeah it’s bullshit. Gotta buy it off Apple TV.

Miserable. Two hours and 3 minutes to long.

I find I don’t like much that either of them is in. For some reason I liked Anchorman

Film buffs would probably like either or both of these that have their own unique histories and followings.

Fitzcarraldo, beautiful scenery, guy wants be build an opera house in the Amazon jungle

Waking Life, dreamlike story a guy meets people and discusses philosophies and meanings of life, unique animation


I recently met an 80 year old man that had walked the Camino de Santiago 2 times in last few years. I coincidentally stumbled upon this really nice movie.

The Way, a father who lost a son walks a pilgrimage along Camino de Santiago.


Let me just put this here.

Coming 2023.10.04

Joker goes Gaga.

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finally saw the batman on the plane. really enjoyed it. 4.5/5 bags of popcorn.

also watched the northman. not eggers best film (that would be the lighthouse imo), but still a lot of fun. the third act kind of lost me, but still worth seeing.

Really good.

Long time aficionado of the Predator series (even though some of them clearly fall into the cheap action horror category). The latest installation, Prey, is awesome in several aspects: good character development, no typical horror movie cheap logic, and setting up the movie in Comanche territory in the 18th Century is just brilliant and revolutionary. Also, while I’m usually allergic to cheap Hollywood girls-can-be-badasses-too, in that movie they actually do a good job without rubbing it in your face.


I watched this last night but hadnt gotten around to posting yet. I have to say, you basically wrote my post for me!


OK, this should be interesting…

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Ditto. And Prey is decent, though it cannot touch the original or P2. Mainly cause apart from the ok main character and her brother, the rest of the cast have no presence compared to the sometimes over-the-top performances of the two first films.

Anyway, very watchable effort with some sweet cinematography and a massive step up from the abysmal The Predator (2018).


Watched ‘Downfall’ (the German film that inspired all those YouTube Hitler memes a few years ago) and ‘Prey’ recently. Downfall was about a 9, and Prey was an 8. Glad we finally got a good Predator film again. Predator 2 is more fun to watch, but objectively Prey is probably the better film. Of course nothing touches Predator 1.

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Also, it was cool how the film starred a more primitive Predator (stone mask instead of metal). Maybe Predators have also evolved since the 1700s, just like humans. Nice touch. The main actress didn’t blow me away, but she was fine enough.