What movies are you watching (2022)

I thought The Invitation was entertaining. Too bad they added the last minute if the movie.

Bullet train

Just saw it
A preposterously stupid movie that was stupidly preposterous

But for six bucks yeah see it
It was so ridiculous it was funny and almost worth 3 fifty of your six bucks

Don’t think of it as a serious movie
Think dark humour and then it’s pretty good


Been watching a lot of movies from the 40s. So far the only one I genuinely enjoyed was the original Nightmare Alley, which I thought was better than Guillermo del Toro’s remake.

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The Cowboys is another good one. But yeah, he was in some bad movies.

It’s like “Daaaaaaamn.”

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Wonderful traditional Japanese romantic tragedy from 1956.

IMDb: : Bridge of Japan Nihombashi


Story-wise it’s a standard war-torn love story, but Loren and Mastroianni were always a crushing duo who could elevate anything. The final 20 minutes or so were beyond brutal.

Another crusher starring the two of them. I was BLOWN AWAY by this movie. Emotionally it was like a shotgun with a silencer.


I saw this on a game replay. Spooky af.

Reminds me that the next season of From should come soon.

Never heard of it.

Some people think it moves too slow, but I like it.

Where’s it on?


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Parts of it I really liked (the flower field and the ending for example were stunning) and I thought all (at least most) of the samurai were quite fleshed-out (though not necessarily likeable; I thought Mifune’s character was annoying af, for example). Still, like other Kurosawa movies, I found the narrative clunky and fractured. Idk if it’s his style or it’s just me, this problem always makes it difficult for me to enjoy his work, and it’s particularly jarring in this case as this movie is soooo fucking long.

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Seems more than a little inspired by the excellent It Follows.

The concept is interesting, so watching the first episode is worth it. But boy does it drag during the season. Not gonna bother with season 2 personally.

Bullet Train

Brad Pitt, Definitely not your typical stuck on a train movie. More like Quentin Tarantino style with as much action and more comedy with director David Leitch.

Honestly my mistake was in thinking it was a serious movie instead it was only half worthwhile to watch only because there was absolutely nothing else to watch and I had a few hours to kill which I certainly did with this movie

My personal rating of this movie is

It’s a One Star out of a possible Ten Stars

In other words it’s a piece of shit of a

Honestly passing a long log is more enjoyable

If you were bored out your skull and you really wanted to see how a Bad movie is

Here you have it

Brad Pitt is the only reason it even has one star from me

The Guys character is likeable

Two good Japanese fictional daily life in Japan movies both of them are each three mini movies.

Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy

Same director as Drive My Car

Ryûsuke Hamaguchi

Sexual Drive

Don’t let the title throw you off it’s not porn I don’t even think any nudity.

Sex, Lies, and The College Cult

Horrendous true story documentary about Larry Ray, who brainwashed and manipulated Sarah Lawrence College students and family from 2010 for 10 years while video documenting much of the activity.

I personally don’t approve of using the word sex by this production or much of the media just to manipulate the public to obtain more viewers. It was primarily a mind control cult and sex was some aspect of that control.