What movies are you watching (2022)

American darts champion, a fine example of an oxymoron. :grin:

I just didn’t really get into Short Cuts. I’m more a Short Circuit kinda guy.



And the pure enjoyment of 80’s racist accents. Fisher Stevens as an Indian tech guru. The most unimaginably awful blueprint for Apu in The Simpsons.
:rofl::rofl: Mickey Rooney’s Chinese turn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s had nothing on Parker’s accent.

Bud bud, ding ding. Thank you, come again.

Have you read his work?

Short Cuts is really good.

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I haven’t. It was a diet of Russian and Italian authors when I were a lad. These days I only read murder mysteries.

I googled Mr Carver. Writer. Alcoholic. Dead at 50. So much good writing comes from a place of despair.

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Fisher Stevens walked so Apu could run.

Maybe a controversial opinion, but I prefer Short Circuit 2 to 1. Nothing like Johnny-5 going on a hardcore rampage near the end.


That is so deep. :pray:

Ya know, this one never comes up in those wanky student conversations about the sequel never being as good as the original. Short circuit 2. BOOM. Debate over.

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Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure is really good. It should have won the Oscar for best picture, but interminable snooze fest, Out of Africa got the nod that year. F Murray Abraham got the best actor and Forman the best director for Amadeus, another one to fall asleep to. Reubens and Burton were robbed.

They moan about films being long these days, but both of those were 2 hours 40 mins long. Chrrriiiist.

You got the years confused. Amadeus won the year before Out of Africa did.

And what’s the relevance between them and Short Cuts?

At some point I researched the authors I was reading and the writers of the last three consecutive books I had read had commit suicide, kinda concerning. I think they were Mishima (and/or another Japanese writer), Proust and Zweig.

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Thank you, Gain. “Age shall wither.”

I though Short Cuts won (inexplicably) the Oscar for best picture, but I must be thinking of something else.

Epic fail.

When writing that post I wasn’t sure who the German writer was, for some reason I thought it would be Hesse but nope, it was Zweig. Had to google it!

Since I came to Taiwan I transitioned from a reader into a something wilder. Was going to make a joke but let’s leave it there.

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Yes you were. Short Cuts is a 1993 movie, the best picture that year is Schindler’s List.

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I did some Googling. Altman was nominated for best director for SC. I must have found that inexplicable back in 1993/4. It was thirty years ago, so I will chastise myself appropriately.
Maybe I’ll watch SC again. Although it’s more likely I’ll watch Short Circuit 2 instead.

Altman is one of the greatest directors of all time.

Aside from Short Cuts, I have enjoyed all of the films I’ve seen of his. Even Popeye.

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I like Short Cuts. The only movie of his that I’ve seen and don’t entirely love is 3 Women.

Nashville is his best imo.

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Having not heard of it, I just read the plot and background. The idea came to him in a disturbed dream while his wife was in hospital. The plot sounds fascinating.

I’m trying to live a more sober life these days. Maybe I’ll go on an Altman bender, to slake my thirst.

It reminds me of Bergman’s Persona a lot, but it’s not nearly as successful, and I say that as an avid Sissy Spacek fan.