What movies are you watching (2022)

She’s superb. Getting goosebumps right now, thinking about Badlands.

Ive got Nashville on my Sky service, so I will watch that at some point over the next week. Thanks for the recommendation.

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She never disappoints. She was good in 3 Women too (as was Shelley Duvall), I just don’t entirely love the film.

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His trilogy was ahem killer.

‘Scuze me?

The music alone by Sir Neville Marriner is gorgeous.

I recently re-watched Amadeus. And while the director’s cut is flawed the original movie is really great. F. Murray Abraham’s performance as Salieri is brilliant.


He and Sidney Lumet. Really miss directors of their unique, quality styles.

It just wasn’t my cup of tea.

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I can respect that. Nothing off the top of my head, but I’m sure there are many widely popular movies I would feel the same way about.

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Let me add that Rock Me Amadeus by Falco is an absolute banger. :heart_eyes: I played that single many many times in my childhood.

Respect :fist:


Werewolf by Night

I like Halloween and I like werewolves and this was my first non-film Marvel experience and man what a disappointment

There was one kinda cool fight schene with good cinematography, overall not even good as mindless entertainment

I’m already having an amazing day and this has greatly added to the enjoyment. Top class. Thank you. :pray:

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Sunset Blvd (1950) Finally knocked this “classic” off my list. I enjoyed it, even if it’s dated. Beautiful B&W cinematography, and Gloria Swanson plays the aging actress with such zeal you can tell she’s having fun. Pretty daring for its time with its unhappy ending and undead narrator. I found the young love interest very dull though. 8.5/10

Moon (2009) Sam Rockwell’s trippy lunar thriller. Has shades of ‘Never Let Me Go.’ Nice subversion of the evil AI trope by having his robot companion GERTY being the only truly human character in the film (just don’t ask who voices him). Also an 8.5/10

Right Now, Wrong Then (2015) Korean film that’s a bit similar to Groundhog Day, but only repeats a day once instead of a thousand times. A quiet, talky film, but the performances are really natural and human and carry it so it never feels long or boring. Also, a good Butterfly Effect film where we see how little dialogue choices can change a whole character’s trajectory. 9/10


Watched Hellraiser. Different from what I expected. I guess it was OK.

Incoming, 3+ hour Damien Chazelle 1920’s Hollywood epic with Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, “Babylon”. May be interesting

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Is it a Freddie Mercury mask

I would very much like to be an extra in this movie.

Is… Is that Jeff Bridges?? Yes, it is!!! LOL

End of the review.

Forbidden planet:
A bit, well, dated perhaps, but an interesting proposal.

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022)

Great concept but missed the mark. Mildly entertaining, boring, or sleeper.

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I like the scene where Commander Adams (a youngish Leslie Nielsen) comes across Altaira (luscious Anne Francis), who has been raised by her father on a planet totally isolated from any men, swimming alone in a pond.
She asks him to join her; “Haven’t brought my bathing suit” he replies, to which she innocently asks, “What’s a bathing suit?”.

I like how she kisses two guys like if it were totally normal and then totally wants to marry and would die for the second one xD

American Splendor

Quite nice based on a true life story of Harvey Pekar. Don’t be put off by the storyline because it’s a good show especially with actor Paul Giamatti.