What movies are you watching in 2020?

Yeah, Jude was really good in that one.

Lol sounds like you didn’t see it

A great one. The artwork is stunning and the soundtrack is on point. Probably the best of the year.

Watched The Platform, intriguing, can’t look away, but what is happening?

Mildly entertaining with some gore but definitely different.

Marriage Story

  • Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver
  • Good portrayal of a family going through hard issues, great acting
  • Lots of awards.

Punch-Drunk Love with Adam Sandler

I’m not an Adam Sandler fan but
this movie is incredible. Just watched it today.

  • Frenetic, awkward, unique
  • Exploratory art
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One of his best performances alongside ‘Uncut Gems.’

Great movie!

Thanks for recommending this. I was planning to not watch. But I’m glad I did watch.

Uncut Gems

  • Adam Sandler
  • Really good movie, surprise ending.
  • If you’re missing sports lately, watch this movie.
  • Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose and sometimes you do neither and sometimes you do both.
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Green Book

  • Good true story about a white guy driving a black piano virtuoso through the southern USA in the 60s

You’re just now discovering Green Book… :thinking:

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Amongst the most tone-deaf, pedestrian films of the decade with a cringey af white-saviour complex, but of course it ended up winning best picture.

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Can see that. On the other hand it possibly exposed some people to race and sexual identity relations in America that they never knew existed.

Based on a true story.

Just now found time to catch from my watch list.

Well @gain doesn’t like it, so you better cross it off. :wink:


I regularly catch up on movies that everyone else seemed to watch 10, 20 or 30 years ago. :man_shrugging:


I watched 1917 last night

I’m going to watch it soon. What would you give it out of 10? No spoilers please.

I know what you mean, but still this makes me smile. “How’s Titanic? No spoilers! Don’t tell me what happens to the boat!”

(Spoiler alert: the Germans lose, and the British win, but it’s something of a Pyrrhic victory!)

1917 I give 6/10 , the film would have got more if had watched it in a cinema.
I gave Dunkirk 7/10

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