What movies are you watching in 2020?

Watched 2019 movie At Eternity’s Gate

  • Arthouse indie
  • About the last days of Vincent Van Gogh from his perspective
  • William Defoe
  • Visually artistic, thought provoking

I saw ‘The Lighthouse.’ Brilliant art film. How Willem Dafoe didn’t at least get nominated for Best Actor is beyond me. I can only guess it wasn’t mainstream enough for the stuffy academy. Robert Pattinson was fantastic too. Great direction, acting, and especially the cinematography…The movie reminded me of ‘Shutter Island’ a bit with its unreliable narrator stuck on an island slowing going mad storyline… highly recommended. Some people are scared off by the black and white, but if you’re into slow-building thrillers full of challenging themes and insane imagery you’ll like it. There’s rewatchability there as well, since you’re not quite sure what’s real and what’s not on the first viewing. 9.5/10

think many will go to streaming if they can. Some already have.


not a true story but loosely based on actual one


I paid (a rare thing) to see the movie. Didn’t care for his performance and the movie was overhyped imo.



You’re gonna see a surge in animated films. Wether traditional “2D”, 3D (Pixar, etc), or a combo of both (Spider-Verse).

I never watched Gattaca before yesterday, don’t know if it’s underrated but I read it wasn’t a popular movie when it came out. Anyway pleasantly surprised.

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Watched this the other day. This is the whole movie.

I’m a huge fan of Argento’s Suspiria, but this wasn’t doing as much for me. I’m guessing this is the artiest Argento ever got, and the monster/killer/hallucination/whatever it is at the end looks cheap. I looked into the third entry into this trilogy, but it sounds bad and I’d rather not have my impression of Argento lowered any further.

This is from the same year, also the full movie.

And I full-on loved this one. Matthau, Glenda Jackson, and a plot that keeps you guessing. It’s also fun if you like obsolete technology. Just check out that turntable/cassette combo halfway through the movie.

But my favorite movie from that year has to be The Clones of Bruce Lee. Apparently this movie is the crowning achievement of the “Brucesploitation” genre, and I loved it. Not only do the clones look very little like Bruce Lee, but they also look very little like each other. Not on YouTube, but definitely worth watching.

About a women who spreads smallpox in NYC. Very Mystery Science Theater 3000.


Caught JoJo Rabbit a few weeks back. The “cute” notes are high indeed, and coulda been Pixar, but probably only Ghibli would have the skilz to make the more heartwrenching bits work if it had been animated instead.

Anyway, I liked it a lot. The director also plays JoJo’s constant companion, the imaginary Hitler, and I thought he was very good in both roles.


Gangs of New York

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I love catching random old movies.

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You laugh at this one. Part PSA and too on the nose for the present moment.


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Finally managed to watch Tusk a couple weeks ago. Turned out equal parts body horror and stoner humor of the Kevin Smith variety (I’m a fan). And it’s definitely both, and I definitely laughed so hard in places that I nearly choked.

The mix of horror and humor somewhat reminds me of Bobcat Goldthwait’s Willow Creek, a found-footage movie about a couple camping in Bigfoot territory. I thought everything but the last couple seconds was legit, well done horror. The ending is pure Goldthwait, though, and again I laughed so hard I thought I’d hurt myself.

I found both movies undeniably entertaining. Maybe best if watched drunk. Or well herbed. You aren’t likely to forget them no matter what.


Being in Taiwan that’s not a (safe) option. :disappointed:

Tbh, I haven’t enjoyed a Kevin Smith film since ‘Dogma’ (though I like him as a person).

Interesting review.