What percentage of the population should be vaccinated and why

Kids get vaccinated all the time. I think teens should be vaccinated along with the rest of the population to reduce transmission , hospitalisation and deaths . And yes we get to move on…



To those arguing 100% and there seems to be a few on this thread, what’s the rationale for jabbing people who already had the Coronavirus? They tested the natural immunity in those that had SARS and found 20 years later they still had a strong natural immunity. Works better than a vaccine, it seems.


One person lol.

@koury says 100% but also this post which 5 people seem to agree with, including you.

Correct me if I am wrong, everyone would mean 100%, no?

I don’t agree with 100% stop waffling Mick.

One guy said 100% …at most two in total say vaccinate everyone.

Some residual immune response which is good and to be expected. Would it protect from serious disease
…Not sure.

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Well, thanks for clearing that up @Brianjones it seems you meant everybody minus those who have already had the coronavirus, which makes more sense. I will leave it to others to decide if it was a case of me waffling or a genuine reason to ask for clarity.

Anyway, carry on and enjoy your Sunday.

I only said 100% because I’m afraid what’s going to happen if we picked something realistic and had nothing to talk about anymore once the # was hit. I get the feeling some people don’t want the virus drama to end.

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They are trying to argue antibodies diminish over time but skip over the important part of memory T cells which tend to remember for a long time. If you’ve had an infection once, it’s no longer novel anymore

In the 1970s, governments in North American made wearing seat belts mandatory. There were massive outcries in places about infringing on “freedom” to ride without a seat belt, about government interfering in the lives of people.

It’s a fascinating parallel situation. I suspect that the current “freedom” loving folks will historically end up looking like those guys in the 1970s.

Source: Hat tip to Chris Hayes and his team for finding TV footage from the 1970s about the anti-seatbelt protests in the United States. It’s available on youtube and it is very interesting viewing.

EDIT: Plus what superking and TroubleWithTribbles said.


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I am not usually a fan of reductio ad absurdum but this was well done. :rofl:


As with any technological or medical intervention, the minimum number possible. Assuming TPTB make the decision on behalf of us stupids, that would be somewhere between 1% and 5% of the typical population. But as someone said back there, a much simpler answer is “whoever wants to be vaccinated”.

It wasn’t a reductio ad absurdum. It was just absurd. A strawman argument.

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If i got Covid, big if at the moment, apparently i have an 80000 to 1 chance of dying. 3000 odd to 1 of ending up in hospital.

if i had a crash without a seatbelt, what would the numbers be?
Comparing hesitancy to the vaccine to seatbelts. Ha ha.

Once everyone over 50 has had the chance to be vaccinated, let it rip.


If someone wants the vaccine, let them have it. Why should it be at all ‘mandated’ for a certain percentage of people who don’t even need it? We all know it affects mainly the elderly with multiple comorbidities. So why can’t it be voluntary?

There’s not even a great need for a vaccine for the vast majority of people anyway, especially when multiple studies have shown that up to 50% of the population are already immune to Covid in the first place.

I believe that we’re seeing a severe deficiency of context and perpective all a sudden, mainly because of us being fed a constant diet of overblown (or completely faked) imagery and (govt. admitted) psyops-style alarmist messages to create a state of fear in the masses, and by those whom want to profit from and control us just for the sake of it.

Then you’ve got the cheerleading ‘mini-Mes,’ whom secretly desire to control others, even up to the point where people posting on this very forum are calling for the unvaxxed to be killed!

Wild times.

It’s also ridiculous to keep hearing people say, “I know 3-10 people who died from Covid!” Ok, that’s sad. But first of all, what cormorbidities did they have? Or was it solely ‘of Covid?’

In any case, at least in the UK, dying ‘of Covid’ has no meaning, as they don’t even require a positive Covid test at the time of death to label any death as a Covid one.

(No wonder the tinfoil hatters have a field day with all this stuff :laughing:)

Secondly, people are dying of things all the time. For some perspective, just yesterday almost 50,000 people died of heart disease, over 7,600 died of obesity-related diseases, [alcohol-related deaths](yesterday almost 50,000 people died of heart disease, over 7,600 died of obesity-related diseases, and smoking killed about 20,000 people. ) around 8,200, and smoking killed about 20,000 people.

The highest 7-day average “Covid deaths” worldwide since the start of the pandemic is sitting at less than 15,000 a day.

And how many people do we know during the last 2 years who died of something, anything other than Covid? Personally, I know 4 people who died within the past 18 months, of various illnesess and diseases, of … guess what? It was something other than Covid! :runaway:

So why are we all suddenly so afraid? Death is quite the regular occurrence, is it not?

And all the while 99.94% of the world’s population have not been killed by Covid.

The obsession with imposing a NWO of biomedical tyranny is just confirmation that the people in charge will do anything to make themselves feel powerful, profit off people’s fears, and enhance their own power over others. Those who are their biggest cheerleaders seem to be the most impotent, unbalanced, illogical and fearful people one can find anywhere.

And now we’re hearing (even on this forum) many of the most die-hard lockdown/vax/mask proponents complaining about the impositions on their own freedoms that they were so keen to have imposed on others. Well, what did they expect? Unless you’re part of the elite, to whom the rules for the masses don’t apply, you’ve simply contributed to your own personal nightmare.


I still dont think it is any of the governments business to legislate things like seat belts, helmets on motorcycles etc. I believe the only time the government should ever get involved is to legislate businesses that try to take advantage of people as free enterprise favors shareholders over ethics. Other than that they need to get lost.

A persons actions may be stupid but the government shouldn’t be a nanny to save people from themselves.

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But we are living much longer and dying a lot older because the government does these things. It’s told us not to put lead in our paint, asbestos in our walls, plasticizer in our yogurt, etc., etc. Businesses would definitely do these things if they weren’t forbidden from doing so. Individuals would probably do the same. Fires are really rare now because of building codes. Rules, rules, rules.

There is a fundamental philosophical divide about how much of a role government should have. I generally am grateful for the rules government mandates, even when I find them personally inconvenient.


There’s some kind of reduction in freedom as people age?

EDIT: It’s almost like we’re talking different languages we’re so far from each other. Governments put lead in our paint, asbestos in our walls, allowed corporations to put plasticisers in our yogurt. Businesses were allowed to do these things because rules, rules, rules allowed them to.


The only proper roles of government are to keep us from robbing, raping, and killing one another and to help us organize into self-help projects that we, the people, control. Anything more is mischief of the variety that leads to tyranny and mass slaughter.

Again with the ‘immunity’ claim , can you define what that actually means in practice ?

What kind of immunity ?

And if as you claim half are ‘immune’ what about the half that aren’t ‘immune’?

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Probably best not to get into that on a personal level.

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