What pissed you right off today?

[quote=“914”]A car made a right turn right in front of me as I was crossing the street tonight.

That really pissed me off. :fume:

So I took my umbrella and scraped his car as he drove by.

It was pent up rage, I wouldn’t do it all the time, and I wouldn’t do it on a dark street. But am I glad I did it? Yeah…I am. Out of all the times drivers took my life as a joke, this joke’s on you buddy. And it’ll cost you a few thousand bucks.[/quote]

Man, I want to do that almost every time I cross the street. Stupid cars.

I teach at a public Junior High/High School.

Today I got to class and the teacher had about 15 kids lined up outside the class as punishment. She was giving them shit and then told them to bend over and whacked them with a stick on the behind.

This pissed me off.

But what also pissed me off is that when the bell rang she continued on her tirade of child abuse for twenty minutes. They were in plane view of my class right outside. I think this shows such a lack of respect for me. It is my class after the bell rings.

So I went to the head of the English dept. and said to her

“The teacher for X class was outside beating the kids”

“Yes. I guess they were bad”, She said.

“But it interrupted my class.”

“Oh. Well what do you want me to do?”, She said.

“Well. Isn’t it illegal to for Teachers to hit children”, I said.


“I don’t want it to happen again”


It’s time to move out of the stone age Taiwan.

[quote=“Lo Bo To”]

“Well. Isn’t it illegal to for Teachers to hit children”, I said.


“I don’t want it to happen again”


It’s time to move out of the stone age Taiwan. [/quote]

Yeah, they should be more like America. There the kids can swear at the teachers…and perform oral sex in the bathrooms at age 12…and the teachers can’t punish them in any way shape or form. It would be cool if all of Taiwan was like that.

Sorry for the sarcasm…but I the best students I’ve seen here have been at the more “strict” schools that I’ve taught at. It does sound like the teacher went overboard in your story. But using physical punishment now and then to keep the students in line…isn’t the worst thing you could do.

I disagree. It just demoralises, embarasses and destroys kids’ self-esteem.

What pissed me off today?
Met a coward and a liar.
He cheated on me and stole my idea.

Lets’ see…I got up at six in the morning to use the bathroom. My eyes were pretty much closed I was so sleepy. Next to the toilet there is a wall-basket thingy suspended on hooks with bathroom stuff in it. Tooth brush, floss, razor, etc.

As I finished my business I’m not sure why but I totally missed the door and I hit my head against the door frame and knocked the basket off the hooks. I had just flushed the toilet and many things fell into it. I lost my razor, my floss, one pack of smokes that got soaked and my toilet is now plugged.

So there I was, at six in the morning with my hands in my own piss trying to save my things. Not to mention the severe cut above my left eye about one inch in lenght. I hit my head really hard, I almost needed stitches as the cut is quite deep. I then started to feel very hot and dizzzy and almost threw up. Thirty minutes later I was back in bed with a bandaid on my forhead. :s :s :s


Oh dear bobepine, that’s worse than I was about to post. :laughing:

Rain, a loud dragon boat race in the bay and a forecast for a week of rain ahead.


having to walk 1 mile to use the internet cafe, only to find out that it’s non smoking?!?! What’s the world coming to when a internet cafe in Taiwan has no bing lang spittles and nasty air to breath. :fume: :smiley:

You smoke? And I thought you were supposed to be a hottie… :frowning: …oh well, another illusion shattered by the internet.

Where is it, I would like to know…

You smoke? And I thought you were supposed to be a hottie… :frowning: …oh well, another illusion shattered by the internet.[/quote]

Yes I smoke :frowning: . Like everyone I have one or two vices, but can be changed easily by the power of love…

  • or with the help drug rehab in my case :smiley: *