What podcasts are you all listening to?

i’m listening to my first million

That’s an impressive goal. I’ve probably only listened to about 20 different podcasts. Good luck!

My mom is from Brazil, so recently I’ve been listening to a few Portuguese podcasts to try and improve my listening ability so I can communicate a bit better when we go and visit her family there.


Oh sweet. My dad is from the rainforests of Guatemala so I’ve been practicing my Spanish.

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See also …


故事FM, 匚匚尺,百靈果,打個電話給你 these are my most common. I really recommend 百靈果 to keep up to date with hot topics.

Which ones are you listening to?

Fala Gringo mostly right now

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I listen to Brazilian podcasts too, but not specifically targeting Portuguese learners, as I’m a Portuguese native speaker.
When you feel ready to explore other topics, I can share some with you. :grin:


Thank you!

I love “On purpose” by Jay Shetty!