What to give this lady?

So I’m staying in a lodging in SEA and this Taiwanese lady (45-50 yo) who is also staying here offered me some food that she had made.
She brought it over my table. This was after we made small talk in the kitchen earlier.

I thought it was so sweet, and I’d like to reciprocate the gesture, but I’m not much of a cook…and besides, the food I eat is very different from hers. I’m from the US and a grilled cheese sandwich with coffee is my idea of a great meal.

I thought of picking up some taiwanese food (if there is such a thing) from a Taiwanese restaurant but I have no idea what to get, or even if that’d be a good idea.

So I thought I ask here…get some ideas…what would be the best thing to give her?

Fruit or cookies?


+1. The intention will go a longer way than the fanciness of the gift. How about some American snack or candy that you enjoyed as a kid, if you can find them.


Salami is a rare treat in Taiwan since imported pork products have been banned in Taiwan due to fear of “swine flu:” a predecessor of COVID.

Thin slices are best at first, like slices of prosciutto.

Any particular kind that I most likely would not go wrong with?

Um, SEA is a rather large area.

What is there isn’t a Jason’s in Laos? :roll_eyes:


Just don’t give her a clock or an umbrella: that would surely end any potential in the relationship.

Woops read to fast, thought this was happening in Taiwan. Advice still holds tho, minus the Jasons.

The picture that popped up in my mind:


Seattle? Rocking wok i think its called in udistrict west of uw they have “stinky dofu”!!

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What kind of food she had made?

Maybe you can help her buy some of the ingredients of the meal she is cooking

Also you can get her a simple drink like coffee or tea , specially if is a Taiwanese drink like bubble tea or the traditional black tea, Green tea , Oolong tea

Wait SEA stands for Seattle or South-East Asia?

Oolong Tea

Soon (beginning of 2021) there won’t be one in Taiwan or anywhere as it’s been bought out by Carrefours. (Apologies for my off-topic blather… as you all were)


You can’t go wrong with fruit! Whatever’s in season.

I was thinking of Pineapple cake. What do you guys think?

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This morning I wrote “Give her a smack.” The post was deleted by a moderator. I fat-fingered that last word. You may do as you wish, but I meant to write sNack - give her a snack.


a snack would be good :grin:

I got deleted as well. It seems comments and suggestions not very welcome. :sunglasses: