What TV are you watching (2020)?


Watched the first episode, thought it was decent, but when I started watching the second episode and the story started else where for the first 30 minutes, I stopped watching.

My cat gets high on fourier transform visualizations


Keep watching. The show picks up and everything falls nicely into place.

Just finished the final two episodes of The Good Place: last week’s normal-length episode, and this week’s double episode. Loved it.

Caveat: you must be at least a little sentimental to enjoy it. For tone, it was very similar to what I remember of the ending of Parks & Rec. Definitely in the “heavy on the sweetly weepy, light on the funny” category.

So that’s two fantastic shows I’ve now seen Ted Danson wrap up.

It’s that time of year again…Super Bowl Commercials!!!


Just finished the Witcher on Netflix.

I’ve mixed feelings about it. It was good almost really good. But a few things I didn’t like.

  1. It was too focused on Yennefer. Her story arch was great and she played it well, but from the mid episodes until the end it was almost as if the show was about her and Geralt was just a side story.

  2. Not enough monsters. Geralt is a Witcher and Witchers are all about hunting down monsters. There weren’t enough.

  3. The time line jumped around too much. It wasn’t until about episode 5 that I realized they were going back and forth on the different timelines for each character. Confusing. But in the end it cleared up.

  4. They didn’t explain the back story of Witchers enough. I hope they do next season.

  5. Nilfguard are the baddies, kind of. However, they never really say why. Why do they want Ciri? Why are they attacking the north? Not much is explained. We just have to kind of accept them as the bad guys.

It was good, almost great. Definitely a show that has potential. Looking forward to season 2.


First episode of Picard legally free on YouTube


Hip Hop Evolution on Netflix

Peaky Blinders
The Boys

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I don’t have a TV.
So nothing.




I watch all my TV on my computer.

Narcos Mexico 2 coming soon.

Just finished watching The King on Netflix. Pretty good.


Thanks, did not know that.

UB40 rockumentary is running on AMC MOD channel 619. Including today at 3:30 p.m.

2/13/2020. Whoooo Hoooo!!!

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Who Killed Malcolm X.


Locke and Key
(10 episodes in season one)

I really wanted this to be an awesome show. It has potential, but not quite there yet.

  1. Not enough time spent on the keys and exploring for them, discovering their powers, etc.

  2. Too much time spent on meaningless teen, highschool drama.

  3. I wanted it to be more frightening. It has its scary parts, but too few and far between.

  4. Weak antagonist.

I like the plot. It’s a really unique concept. Although, at times, it felt like a rip off of The Spiderwick Chronicles.

They took the story really far in season one. Probably could have ended it after 10 episodes. Not sure what is left for season 2.