What TV are you watching (2020)?


I enjoyed season 2 of Narcos Mexico although the last couple of episodes kind of petered out with Miguel seeming to shrink in stature as the government closed in on him. I guess there’s not much more to say when the kingpin gets sentenced to 37 years in prison and is actually put away. I did learn something about Mexico in the 80s and 90s which was interesting for me. Yes there are some brutal scenes , by all accounts drug mafia in Mexico are that brutal I guess.

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I feel like it’s picking up a bit as it goes, but haven’t got to the last couple yet.

I started Succession and the characters are too obnoxious so I’m quitting.


And I thought it was me. I only made it thru 1 1/2 episodes. That show should have had so much more style.

Since finishing Narcos: Mexico (which was only good for 2 stars) I rewatched Narcos. That show is so good I’m looking to buy on DVD.

Now, binging Star Trek Voyager thanks to @Poagao


I think it’s well-acted and really funny, it’s just that the characters are such insufferable cunts, especially the father.

However, since I started The Americans which is dark and depressing af, I will most likely finish Succession after I’m done with The Americans. It’s like a light comedy in comparison.

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Insufferable cunts is perfect descriptor for the kids. I liked the father.

But I couldn’t understand why as rich as they were/are why they perpetually dressed like slobs. At least the daughter should have been stylish. This NYC rich we’re talking about. :smirk:

I’m watching that South Korean zombie show on Netflix ‘Kingdom.’ Seems appropriate for the time.


I’ve been avoiding that show like the plague since it popped up on Netflix last year.

The premise was overreaching for me. Now, I’m thinking predictive programing?? :thinking: :joy::joy:

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Probably because you only watched 1.5 episodes because he is disgusting (though I can see this kind of character being liked by certain fans).

I agree about the kids being insufferable cunts. They are so annoying.

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It’s okay. Not high art or anything. Kinda predictable zombie plague/ court intrigue drama, but the Korean historical context distinguishes it.


So they did have zombies pre-split and Japanese colonization?? :thinking::thinking:

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Crazy thought, is it possible Kim was actually with Saul throughout the Breaking Bad years and maybe even now?


Bad news for ‘Fargo’ fans. Due to the current situation which shall-not-be-named in this innocent thread, the premiere of season 4 (originally for April) has been delayed indefinitely.

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Supernatural filming of its last season was also halted due to the Shall Not Be Mentioned. Fans are doing a signature drive for the ending to become a movie.

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“Several TV shows brought back their rentals,” said Novak, 61. In one day, he had three cancellations. “That was very unusual. Last week my business was down 50%. I’ll be lucky if I even make half of that this week. I’m looking at a loss of $500,000 in revenue. I’m not even sure if I’ll have any business next week.”

Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Jon Hamm becomes Larry David s10e08. Funny stuff.

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Psst … there’s a 2020 thread. Mods, maybe lock this one?

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