What's the very BEST damned burger in Taipei?

Hahaha yeah “hunger sauce” really helps! :grin:


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If you like smash style, Taihu in Da’an makes a good one. In general I find it pretty tough to get a good burger in Taipei, though. Oddly, I have better odds in Kaohsiung.

What does that mean? Genuinely curious.


Judging by the photo, it means not pretty!

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Whoah I think I might need to upgrade my NHI coverage just looking at that! :rofl:



:drooling_face: Chorizo mac and a beer.

Not a place I’d likely stop out in passing, a lick of paint wouldn’t go astray! Presume it has some sort of loyal local following to have survived.

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Big problem with that one for me is I’d need to ride another 50km or so to get home afterwards. I fear what was delicious going down would be considerably less appetizing on the way back up.

EDIT: just saw that you DID ride from the Danshui/ Zhuwei area, and back again. Wow! I’m amazed you could ride back after that sort of lunch!

It is rustic-industrial style. Paint will ruin it.

Bathroom is over there. Latrine style. At least it was clean.

If you take a first date there and he/she doesn’t leave you, he/she is the one.

Tailwind did help. Plan B was to take the bike in the metro.


I’ve had it too as I live around Bitan and I can drive there. I enjoyed their food. It’s not a fancy place, but the food was good.


“Smashed” flat onto a griddle kind of surface, often with onions in the patty, and greasy, as opposed to a big thick juicy grilled gourmet style patty. I’m a fan of both styles, but the latter is very difficult to find done properly in Taiwan (usually overcooked and dry). For the former, Taihu is great.

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Hmmm, that cooking style would presumably maximize the surface crispness of the meat. Probably not the healthiest way to eat, but if done nicely it would almost certainly taste good!


I’ve never once considered health as a factor in rating a burger.


I respect that all-in approach.


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Loved it. Especially for the price.

The is place is decent for Taiwan.

This thread is about the “very BEST” and not merely the “decent”! :grin:



Where’s the very best burger in tamsui is what I want to know

Try Kooks, Hidden Burger and Number 7.



D&G (damn good?)

I had the cajun chicken it was great so I’m really looking forward to a beef burger which also look good.

French fries are awesome as well as the atmosphere, boss, staff. Apparently also drinks n maybe shots until late.