When will quarantine in Taiwan end? (Currently 0+7)

I wonder when this entire comedy will finish?!
Hope they will not introduce 0+3 after 0+7!!
This is one big joke!

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That statement seems to indicate that a tourist is with child. There is nothing saying they cannot be together.

I think you are saying their statement of “should” essentially a mandate? I dont think this is true, and wording like that wouldnt hold up in court. Though I suppose in courtthey would fall back onto mandarin regardless. That said, what I gathered front hat paragraphs is that you shouldn’t visit old or young people upon entry. that doesnt mean your own children per se. more like you visit your friends kids or parents type thing. or obviously work related things. dont go into kindergartens or old folks homes. that is good logic for any contagiousdisease. we were taught this in canada since birth for decades as well. if Iaam sick, dont go see grandma in the home. that is solid logic. I agree with you covid is riddled with very fucked up lack of logic and too many issues to just sweep under the rug 100%. I just dont see these recommendations as being the ones to argue as they ar vague to the point of not being legally binding in regards to separating families.

No, and I don’t believe it holds any legal weight whatsoever.

That I understand. But if they are to be followed to the letter, one’s family will indeed be separated. Not legally, of course, not forced, but entirely voluntarily :laughing:

Well these things tend to be intentionally vague I think. That is the real status quo in regards to Taiwan, on most levels. foreigner or local. vague enough to allow interpretation either way. however that CECC post seems to not have anything hard enough to separate families aside from perhaps the type of hotel room incoming must stay in.

Depends on whatever “pandemic prevention measure” they want to impose at the time. When they feel inspired they can be quite intentionally clear, i.e., masks on trains.

Yes, that’s my point. If one follows the precise wording of the CECC - from their actual wesbite press release (not the focus Taiwan article linked above by someone else) - then that is one definitely possible outcome, depending on the visitor’s family situation. We agree on that.

I think they want a separate hard hotel room wall.

Yes. but that is part of the vague nature and lack of diligence that surrounds the world of covid panic in my opinion.

here I think they mean you have the option to get bigger better rooms (may as well support air bnb then) and cause more costs to the person coming in. But to be fair, the governments regulations for many years have exactly the same. they make it vague, intentionally grey, and wont answer questions directly. this allows them to pick and choose when to pounce. certainly the root isnt covid, it’s just a new thing the old way can be applied IMO.

Thread title wrong. It’s past Oct. 13, and people still have to still figure out what the fuq the gov’t means by self-mgmt and everything.
“When will quarantine end” should 100% mean the sheeple do not have to worry about any more fuqqing rules about this stupid virus. Zero rules.

Strategic ambiguity is a bitch, ain’t it?

Feeling kinda libertarian tonight?

Me I’m still glad we have traffic signals, seat belts, and a million other ways to help this thing called “society” function. And yes even when—especially when—we’re still in a community transmission stage with this virus.


I agree. but surely people see the lack of concise data and information causing a cluster fuck since 2020. It has been a problem. And arguably it is fair to question due to the serious lack of clarity and honesty that has plagued this viruses export and spread. I think people are honestly just tired of the disingenuous crap that spills through online, through media, from governments and through international organizations like the WHO. truly, the trust has been broken and people are finally starting to push back.

The world should demand the professionalism from institutions that we used to assume they had.

What on earth is a “community transmission stage”? Is this the latest sciencey-sounding buzzword from the CECC?

As for helping society function, I would suggest that our esteemed leaders are not achieving that by scaring the crap out of people so that they’ll participate in a medical experiment with an outcome that nobody is measuring and nobody really cares about anyway.

Magic blue “face coverings” are bear rocks, not seatbelts. The most fearsome thing about them is that the scientifically-illiterate masses genuinely believe that they’re an impenetrable shield against the lurgy, despite the obvious fact that everyone is getting COVID. That kind of cognitive dissonance is, again, exceedingly bad for the functioning of society.


What ever happened to “vaccines stopping covid transmission dead in its tracks” or vaccine-induced herd immunity? :laughing:

It means helping society function as a group of paranoid and insecure obsessives.

And shoelaces!

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During the 0+7, after having a negative result, you can go out to restaurants , travel around etc, but can’t go to hospitals. How about dentists or an eye clinic?

nobody is going to know you are on the 0+7. If you’re negative, go about life. I just finished mine and nobody gave a rats ass about anything I did. I went to a hospital to get my asthma meds. Nobody cared.

Coming back through Taoyuan airport was fast. Only thing covid related I saw was a couple people handing out the test kits to all passengers. Thats it. There is no taking down of phone #. No government calls, follow-ups. Nothing.


if you try to go to hospital, when they input your ARC/NHI card no they see that and will refuse you entry. It happened to me.

Otherwise nobody cares, everything else it’s fine

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hmm… they didn’t say anything to me when I gave them my card to pick up my meds. Of course, I live in a small town, maybe that has something to do with it.

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picking up things I don’t thing ever mattered, but if you need to go to do visits, talk to doctors, they stop you.

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You mean at the entrance right? I visited two different hospitals in Taipei in the last couple of months and when I visited they were not asking everyone to scan at the entrance anymore.

That does not mean you should not have stayed home though while on self-management. It just means you might not be refused entrance automatically.

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Quarantine re-instated…partially


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