When will the US invade Iran?

This is an interesting question, because if previous Presidents have been pretty much acting under the advice of career diplomats and intelligence service members, what they were doing essentially was not giving the President unlimited power to do anything he/she wanted, what they were doing was they were giving themselves unlimited power.

Now there is a President who doesn’t necessarily do what the career diplomats and Justice wants and they realize the problem they caused.

Well…yeah. When I said “his own people” I just meant citizens of the country he governed.

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Trump utilized the US military to target an official of a foreign government without the Congress first declaring war on that foreign government. I think that’s unconstitutional and immoral. I would approve of Congress impeaching him on that offense.

But make no mistake, they will never try to impeach him on that offense… because Obama did similar things. Perhaps Obama didn’t kill an official of a foreign government, but he killed American citizens without trial and committed various other acts that would be deemed criminal in any international court.

Ok, got it.

I think that it’s an important Constitutional issue that is teed up in classic fashion for SCOTUS, but I agree that the House is perfectly free to draft articles of impeachment on grounds of their choosing (indeed, have done in last year’s impeachment effort).

I also think that under the Bush Doctrine the POTUS reserves the right to launch preemptive military strikes as a defense against an immediate or perceived future threats to the security of the United States, including US personnel abroad.

I am unsure about the existence of any future strikes ordered by this Quds general officer, but I certainly think it’s possible and perhaps even likely given the recent violence directed against the US embassy in Baghdad, quite likely organized/supplied by Quds.

Non-binding, you say?

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He was deconstructed.

He was distributed.

He caught an early flight.

Mistah Suleimani, he dead.

E’s not pinin’! 'E’s passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E’s expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed 'im to the perch 'e’d be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E’s off the twig! 'E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!![He’s f*ckin’ snuffed it"

He’s kicked the breathing habit.

Found me a couple of decent (at least in my view) cheat sheets about these goings-on:

It would be good to have more info, but for now, the above is enough for me.

On the legal/Constitutional issue(s), I’ll pass.

Next level delusional narrative incoming:
“Of course. That was Trump’s plan all along. He really wanted to withdraw the troops.”

We just gave Iraq to them on a silver platter.


That war cost trillions and over a million dead. For absolutely nothing at all.

GOP are the worst political party in world history.

Trump was unfit from day one. Criminal failures, no excuses fly now.


No. Stating facts. Americans care about this.

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Did Iran do anything yet ? :sleeping:

Only half of them…

I don’t like it, but as long as Islam exists, it will be inevitable.

I told you lot Israel wants to remain a nice place to live. They aren’t complete idiots there.

Israeli President

He told a meeting of his security cabinet on Monday: “The assassination of Suleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it.”



The US letter to the Iraqi military, was signed by the US commanding general in Iraq Brig William Seely, and said that US forces “will be repositioning over the coming days and weeks to prepare for onward movement”.

The task force would try keep disruption to a minimum and do much of the airlift at night “to alleviate any perception” that the US was bringing more troops into Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone

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Sorry to add to the confusion:

For the record, I personally wouldn’t mind if we got kicked out of Iraq, Afghanistan, NATO, South Korea, Japan, and any other foreign country, region, or arrangement in which our forces are in harm’s way, or are in jeopardy of being in harm’s way.

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No… We need presence outside the Miiddle East.

But we should have the Saudis and Israelis take care of the ME.

I like you, @Wookie, but I’m pretty much set in my ways about that one:

From 2011:

From 2009:

From 2005 (under username xp+10K):

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