Where is this? {Picture Quiz: Taiwan}

You got it

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OK Iā€™m up so. At the risk of providing free advertising:


supplemental clue, around the corner from the restaurant: anna

Iā€™m going to go out on a limb here and say that itā€™s a local pizza restaurant in Taipei.

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Yea but you have to name the restaurant.

stymied by insufficient streetview assistance. Google shows me https://www.google.com/maps/@25.0132884,121.5351645,3a,75y,269.39h,77.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9Wb2PiTLLqsQ7cfQ8hhOyA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 but iā€™m not sureā€¦

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You found Anna Kournikova.

So you can have the point

+1 for you

but in Gongguan

no idea of the number of image. are we around 36?

Okay, popular cycling destination.


dead post. remarkable spam clean up, BTW

Yanping north road

Daotou park

P.S. what gave it away was that you put the location in the file nameā€¦ ha ha


My less salubrious cycling location is this:

bout 5kilometers from the previous location, as the crow flies

Sanchong? Under the expressway?

lots of New Taipei Shitty looks like that.

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LOLZ. i donā€™t read Chineseā€¦

Correct and correct

How about the exact location, for a bonus point.

I have been there, Iā€™m sure, but itā€™s been so long i simply couldnā€™t tell now.

OK, something different: picture 38

Pinglin, tea museum


And notice weā€™re the only ones playing now?

Iā€™ve gotta go to work. Youā€™re on your own.

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39 restaurant again, northern Taiwan


Isnā€™t it the one with a Harry Potter theme?
In Yilan, I guessā€¦

No and No,

Opposite side of Taipei to Yilan, and has Art theme

Isnā€™t it the one with an Art theme?
In the opposite side of Tapei to Yilan, I guessā€¦

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