Where to meet a girlfriend?



driving through the toll booth on the freeway

Hey xiaojie, I want to pay you more than just the toll.
I’ll give you something more and you can be my sweetheart?
Don’t let the traffic cops bite!

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Have you seen those good looking toll booth women on Highway 3 just south of Taipei?

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You are a naĂŻve, young, inexperienced, mark for this Indonesian woman. Anyone who can rescue her from her sad existence is on her radar.

Right on the money!
I will talk about this more in the other Indonesia GF thread.

They’re stiff and awkward. And so am I.

That’s why I can’t date the women that Baba and Mama and Akong and Ama all want me to date.

They don’t realize it’s the 21st century, not the good old 1950s.

How to make Baba and Mama happy by getting a proper Taiwanese girlfriend?
Help! :joy::sweat_smile:

Coming from the personal experience of being an Asian man with the Asian flush, I don’t do particularly well in a bar or club setting, I mean don’t drink and seem standoffish, drink and look like a baboon’s ass, it’s a lose lose situation. I just stopped going down that socializing route.

Finding a girl with similar outdoor interests proved to be pretty difficult as well. Most girls don’t enjoy outdoor activities. Also, it’s hard to break the ice with anyone even if you have similar interests if you are stiff and awkward.

Most Taiwanese people get to know others through friends setting them up. So having lots of friends helps. Otherwise, if you are looking for a serious relationship and not just dating, you’d probably have to use what other stiff and awkward locals use to find a serious relationship.

These days it seems like Pairs is the app to go with, I have many co-workers who found a girl friend and got married through the app. Guys have to pay to use it, so usually people using Pairs are serious about finding someone.

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I only met and dated one Taiwanese girl, that was at a picnic in London. I married her and now I’m here.

Thus my advice is - based on a very small sample size - if you want to meet and date a Taiwanese girl is hang out in Chelsea, West London.

I hope this helps. If not with dating then at least with the importance of sample sizes.


In that case, my very small sample size indicates if you want to meet, date, and marry a Taiwanese girl, try to feed and rescue local stray cats. Talk to others who are helping the same group of cats. Eventually take a couple of the cats home, and somehow things work out.


Wait…you’re in a polyamorous relationship with a couple of cats? :astonished:


Hopefully not all at the same time.

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Just the two beautiful ones sharing my bed right now. Though I’m married to neither of them. I was planning to take one of them’s mom as well, but she had FIV and didn’t make it.

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He’s alive but look what happened to him :joy::joy::joy:

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i recognize you. …you’re one of those Penthouse forum writers…

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Nice…almost makes me wish my swinging days weren’t over. :grin:

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For some reason it takes me a few years to read a penthouse or a playboy magazine. Those articles really take a lot of going through to make any sense :slight_smile:

Scholars have to watch out for em parties
Go for a beer
End up married

bit of a rant but lately i’m noticing an increase in streaming. like totally average girls with a crowd of guys watching them do bog standard normal every day things. i’ve seen it, on the street and MRT.

seriously, you guys deserve to be single incels forever and i have no sympathy!

Hangout at unis!

  1. Put on some short shorts and go-go boots.
  2. Go to the local bar.
  3. When you see a group of Taiwanese women you like, walk over to them and say, “Mee so horny! Mee love you long time!”
  4. Wait for the magic to happen.