Who are the smartest Forumosans?

I’m coming tonight. But I just got talked into it last night at the HH, so I don’t have a team. :frowning: I hope there will be some other singles there looking to get one together. Jefferson?? Any others??

I think I can make it. Sure, I’ll join your posse.

Mmm… guess there is only me… :blush:

It seems that the smartest Forumosans are actually from Taiwan Ho. :blush:

Well, congrats to all the winners, including our very own Game Club team who made an amazing dash form last place at the end of round 1 to 3rd by the end of the night.


[quote=“Bu Lai En”]It seems that the smartest Forumosans are actually from Taiwan Ho. :blush:

You always have to watch out for the quiet ones. :wink: :laughing:

[quote=“Bu Lai En”]
Well, congrats to all the winners, including our very own Game Club team who made an amazing dash form last place at the end of round 1 to 3rd by the end of the night.

Congrats to all the players, coordinators and sponsors. :bravo: