Who do you look up to?

Ali made me wish I was black. :sunglasses:

Honey you can do that by joining a tanning salon :laughing:

I don’t really have any role models I look up to.

I do, however, admire a lot of people:

Anyone who can play a musical instrument well (something I have never had the patience to do).

Anyone who starts their own business and becomes their own boss.

Anyone who has taken in others children and raised them as their own.

Anyone who defeats a disease such as cancer, or even someone who died from it but while they were living they did not let the disease rule their life.

Anyone who adopts a dog or cat from a shelter instead of going to the puppy or kitty mill at the mall.


Sweet, look up to me dude!


An eclectic mix

God, no. A political charlatan (can’t comment on the linguistics side).

You redeem yourself! Bob!

I don’t have any role models a la mod lang’s rant. But if you’re talking about people I admire for something, though not everything, then:

Christopher Hitchens: polemicist extraordinaire.
Anthony Burgess: language-obsessed novelist.
Graham Greene: nothing need be said here.
Bob Pollard: lo-fi god.
Pat Fish: pop singer and all-around cool person.
Friedensreich Hundertwasser: confounding and brilliant artist who spoke of the “tyranny of the straight line.”
James Legge: Scottish minister and translator of the Chinese classics–undoubtedly among the most compelling and awe-inspiring personages ever to have walked the earth.

There may be more, but these come to mind at this sitting.

To Huang Guang Chen,

Good for you. You are among heros in my mind. Way to go!!

I myself have only accomplished one thing on my list, but I am on my way to achieving one more.

As far as the rest of my list, I hope one never happens to me, another I see in my distant future, another I may just dream of.

Keep up the good work.

You are now on my list of Role Models.


Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.

His Valley Campaign and his assault on the Union’s right flank at Chancellorsville was pure military genius.

He was also a weirdo. :laughing:

Before he became Governor I’d have had less ridicule for this one.


He achieves his goals.

I’ve read 2 bio’s and lots of articles when I was a body builder and was friends with an aussie who boarded him when he visited Australia a long time ago as just a world champion body builder. (Arnold seduced the babysitter, otherwise he appeared to be well behaved).

Examples of his single minded way.


Training partner “Don’t go so hard we have 3 more sets of this exercise”.

Arnold “There is only this one, there is nothing else”

[color=blue]Flying on an American tour to help children take an interest in fitness. [/color]Some guy was talking on a plane off an a tangent from the fitness goals.

Arnold told him “Right now, there is only this”

I use this strategy in family and business to great effect. Total focus on the issue at hand then move on.

Interesting. As for “looking up to people” I would of picked Erik von Manstein.


Forgot Jung and his castle. Wayyyy cool.

[quote=“smell the glove”]An eclectic mix

Examples, but I couldn’t read it with out laughing because I totally ‘hear’ his voice saying those things. :laughing:

[quote=“Durins Bane”]Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.

He was also a weirdo. :laughing:[/quote]

He sucked on a lot of lemons every day.

In cronological order, some of my favourite economists:

Adam Smith - for dumping on the merchantilist theory of political economy.

David Ricardo - for refining the principle of comparative advantage.

John Maynard Keynes - for overturning Say’s Law (i.e. that supply creates it’s own demand).

Milton Friedman - for calling a spade a spade on the inflation tax.

James Tobin - for reminding us that not all investment is good.

Paul Krugman - for bringing the Bushies to account on just about everything.

And one more, who isn’t an economist:

Mark Rothko - for creating beauty that leaves me speechless.

Blue, Green and Brown 1951.

Sorry but the more I think about this the more in bugs me. The question wasn’t “Who do you idolize?” It was “Who do you look up to?” and while “look up to” might not have been an entirely fortunate choice of words either, it is a long way from “idolize”.

This was a good point…

but your psychology doesn’t seem to leave room for any genuine respect and admiration for people who do remarkable things despite their flaws. The fact of John Lennon’s heroin addiction doesn’t diminish my admiration for him one bit.

Apologies in advance if I misunderstood you.

[quote=“Durins Bane”][quote=“bismarck”]
General Heinz Guderian

Interesting. As for “looking up to people” I would of picked Erik von Manstein.[/quote]

Heinz Guderian was the father of modern armoured warfare. He revolutionised the tactical, operational and strategic usage of the armoured platform. He wrote books about all his ideas, specifically Achtung! Panzer! The main ideas concerned the concept of Blitzkrieg, manoueverability and speed in modern warfare. His works on the subject weren’t taken seriously by the allies prior to hostilities in 1939 much to their chagrin as his 5th Army smashed the allied forces having traversed the Ardennes forest. This was a move that no one at the time thought possible, which caught the French and the Brits unawares.
Also to his credit, he was vehemently opposed to the Nazi’s (one of the reasons why he never made Field Marshal) and he was also oppossed to the politicisation of the armed forces, and the banning of Jews from the armed forces.

As found in Wikipedia (and other sources), “Guderian was not charged with any war crimes during the Nuremberg Trials, as his actions and behavior were considered consistent with that of a professional soldier.”

No idea who Erik Von Manstein was. Sorry.

True, he slept with them - he didn’t have sex with them. In his later years, Gandhi took a vow of celibacy. In order to test himself, he had younger girls in his bed. The idea of his “experiment” was to see if he became “aroused” by the presence of the girls. From all I’ve read, he didn’t, but I could be wrong.

Hmm, so onto my list.


The Dalai Lama (when I met him, his first words to me were “G’day”. A typical Australian hello. Except that I met him in India. In one of the Thai temples in Bodhgaya - there are 2, Bodhgaya is the holiest place in Buddhism. and all Buddhist countries have temples there. And he didn’t know there’d be an Australian inside the temple, as it was closed off to all but monks and a few Thai people. And me.)

Xanana Gusmao

My mother.

Helen Caldicott (MD and author).

Lance Armstrong.

Paramahansa Yogananda.

The Buddha.

Desmond Tutu.

Nelson Mandela.


Buddhadasa Bhikku.

Thich Nhat Hanh.

Galen Rowell.

Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Nick Ut.

Wow! Respeck! Id like to drift through my seventies testing my mettle in such a manner. I mean, if I failed, that would just mean I had to test myself again. Excellent idea. I’m opting for mysticism.


True, he slept with them - he didn’t have sex with them. In his later years, Gandhi took a vow of celibacy. In order to test himself, he had younger girls in his bed. The idea of his “experiment” was to see if he became “aroused” by the presence of the girls. From all I’ve read, he didn’t, but I could be wrong.[/quote]

Viagra didn’t come out until 2000 or so.