Who is this "Dr" Hedy Lee?

I knew they could be removed, didn’t know it was via impeachment.

I read that polls are showing a possible massive turn-out in the mid terms of white women Repuplican voters. They’re calling it the Brett Bounce.

I don’t think the Democrats are very good at politics.

Back OT, Hedy is a nasty fruitcake and if she hasn’t changed by her 50s she’s definitely best avoided.

Just look https://www.facebook.com/drhedy
The only reason that I connected with her that short time was to make sure she wasn’t inciting violence at the memorial for Ryan. I’ve since unfriended because I can’t take anymore of her BS posts and the danger for my family seems to have passed.

Do not sign contracts…


Indeed. But most universities in US depend on full tuition charged to Chinese students. They are not the ones offered scholarships or fellowships because of their ability, but treated as cash cows. Also, it has been said before, Harvard is tops in law, but these students are getting their degrees in Dentristy, English literature…Or language courses. Many go there a couple of months, yet it shows up on their resume.

Which is logical. The father lived in Taiwan but loathed Taiwan and especially the Taiwanese. She identifies with a China that does not exist and is taught that they ought to be the leaders of that China…were it not for the cowardice and rebellion of the Taiwanese. She grows in an upper segment in the States, which does not shelter her from racism, and in a weird way she both never identifies with the US values but somehow does absorb that racism, which she then projects upon all foreign faces in her «domain» -read the maid piece, or her comments about foreigners in Taiwan.

She comes back to Taiwan because she feels powerful here. She has a voice given by political elites who think the same, who have no roots to this piece of land that is only a stepping stone and refueling station from which they still keep getting their riches out from.

Worse part: she is not unique. Most government officials I know are like that. Especially the ones in foreign service or defense. They find themselves spending more time out of Taiwan than in, and yet they are the face of the country abroad. And they are the ones setting policies here. No loyalty, Taiwan is just a cash cow, properties in China, retirement in China, just come back occasionally to spit China’s commands that allow them to keep in COP’s good graces.

Do you mean the written apology? Yes, you’re right that leaving anything in writing carries a risk. I don’t know how he worded it.

No. I mean read her piece about maids. That is something she simply cannot publish in a blog, let alone a paper in the US. Yet this US passport, US educated person publishes such a thing in a place where it is acceptable and common to think and act in such a way. Her thoughts fit like a glove there. So one wonders the kind of environment she grew up with that allows for fostering such thinking. The contract for me is the most poignant as Westerners are basically anal when it comes to contracts, hell, even in the old country. And I think she knows the law well enough to world it against others as we have seen.

And she consults with Fortune 500 companies…sigh.

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The part I don’t get of the story is that she confronted him first.
Why do the police allow her to press charges. And for what charge? Public humiliation? Doesn’t look like there was any fight.

Wouldn’t they be able to counter charge each other since she publicly ‘humiliated’ him first ?

Although it is a douchy thing to do to play music without earphones in a public place, nobody wants to hear that.
Can’t say that I blame her for complaining, most are too nice to say something, you do that in the West and someone will tell you to stfu


Apology letter is here

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Barring the typos, that was well-written IMO.

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both are douche bags. her for obvious reasons, him for saying “I’m from America”.


Dickheads attract dickheads. She must have an Olympic record for meeting assholes.

Impeachment will never happen.

Here is to 30 years of Republican-friendly majority decisions with Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

For those liberals crying in the Senate Gallery while eating smelly muesli bars or those in Taiwan that may have trouble counting without sticky balls on blackboards – that IS FIVE. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You want to know my prediction? Ginsberg and Breyer will retire during Trump`s second term. I hope Feinstein is still serving in the Senate during those confirmations just to see her tears bahahahahahahhahahahahaha.

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I can’t believe @mad_masala thought I was this guy. :roll_eyes:

And what’s wrong with muesli bars? They’re a healthy and filling snack when you don’t have time for lunch. Plus, they’re great energy supplements after a tiring workout. I’ve also never had one that smelled. If someone sold you a smelly muesli bar, I’d return that shit pronto.


It was an insult to me as well!

Muesli-- I am calling the protesters granola crunchers. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Granola is also not bad. I bet if you just tried some top-shelf granola and muesli from Jason’s, you’d enjoy it so much you’d have to find another insult for us lib’ruls.

It’s like in the 90s and early 2000s. Conservatives used to insult us as “latte sipping leftists.” Then they found out lattes are actually delicious, and now you don’t hear that anymore. We’re just ahead of the curve.

Most police high officers are politically appointed or connected, and politicians are connected to mafia, hence, it is in their best interests to do as they are told. When the daughter of a big wig tells you to do something, and she herself has a venue where she can make your life a living hell, you do as she says and find something to please her.

Indeed, most people here ignore that kind of behavior from kids and even amas, but remember atogas are in a different category, which is why we make the news for throwing garbage or sitting in the «wrong» seat on the MRT.

No, I’m a big boy and I can handle myself if someone tries to give me shit. My life immigrating to the US was probably significantly easier as I’ve already came from a multicultural background and my family would have been at the top of the social economic bracket. But it still doesn’t change the the fact bullies tried to mess with me calling me chinkey eyes or whatever. Big mistake for them as I’m not the type of guy who just takes it like they thought. Doesn’t change when I played sports hearing the crowd saying some nasty racist things. Doesn’t change the fact the police wouldn’t believe I lived in one the nicest houses in a affluent neighborhood and made me and my mom sit outside for a hours because they thought we were robbing it and hearing some cop mutter I can believe these Asians live here, they’re taking over.

I mean these are like unbearable and there’s just assholes everywhere no matter what. But it’s very real and it sucked getting sent these messages when you’re young.

This is not to say the huge majority of people aren’t like this. Just saying, yeah bullshit still happens. Probably less in places like San Francisco. But I lived in pretty homogeneous places. I was the only Asian kid on my entire high school just to paint the picture.

It is what it is, you have to have a thick skin to survive in the world. I’m not sure if there’s anything to prevent ignorant asshole. But it’s not all wonderful with schools giving you scholarships and great jobs based on statistics. And this is not saying anyone had it harder or who’s to blame.

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Calling someone a racist is illegal apparently.

Saying Taiwan has free speech is a joke.