Who should Obama select as his VP?

Jim Webb. Why? Mountainous tons of foreign policy experience, used to be a republican, from Virginia (a state that has gone GOP since LBJ signed the VRA in 1964. Yes, that WAS fun.) has a son in Iraq. Plus Obama Webb sounds like either a supervillan in a Marvel Comic or a Bond girl.

After that I’d say Bill Richardson - foreign policy experience, an actual governor, the most qualified of the Dem candidates, mostly Mexican, and a sexy beard.

John Edwards will refuse the nomination

Obama’s people will tell him of the Shakespearean Hell and drama that will be unleashed if Hillary is the VP. Think Richard III. Yeah, that good.


Speaking of Michelle, I wonder how “whiteys” will react to this new story.


Yeah, I heard about that video. After saying it’s time to “get whitey” she goes on to say it’s going to be a “long, hot summer” and things are going to “burn, baby, burn” and it’s time to “off some honkies” because the
“bruthas and sistas on the block” are going to “stick it to the Man”. Jesse Jackson and Reverend Wright are heard shouting “Right on”, “Black is Beautiful” and “Sock it to the ofays” in the background,

Then Michelle puts on her Foxy Brown 'fro wig and they all “get down” and “boogie” to some Parliament Funkadelic.

No, it’s true! The Politico heard it from Matt Drudge who heard it from Jonah Goldberg who heard it from Michelle Malkins who heard it from Rush Limbaugh who heard it from Ann Coulter whose next-door neighbor’s cousin had an aunt who goes to a beauty parlor with someone who actually knows a Negro!

And you know what else? If you’re white and you watch this video, seven days later you will die !!![/quote]

Mike, I just want you to know I am stealing this.

Really? I’ve read Jim Webb’s book Born Fighting: The Scots Irish in America. In this book, Jim Webb wrote about his disdain for America’s elite, the attitudes in many of the blue states, and his professed love for rednecks and the working people. Have his attitudes changed that much now that he has been a Senator for a while?[/quote]

Hi, Chewy. I’ve read born fighting, too. Great book. You make an interesting point.

If you’ll recall from the Senate campaign, Webb won Virginia due in no small part to his popularity in the Northern Virginia/ DC area. The chatter at the time was that if the election had been held exclusively in SW Virginia he would have lost, and it was only support from NoVa elites that put him over the top. As much as Webb talks about and genuinely loves the working class, I don’t think that’s where most of his actual support comes from. Then again, this is all speculation based on chatter from friends and family who were more plugged in to the Webb campaign at the time than I was, so I’m more than open to other points of view.[/quote]

Nobody in America genuinely loves the working class. Professional Bull Riding. Coors Light. Toby Keith. What’s to love about barely making ends meet?

Hell, the thing of it is, the working class don’t call themselves the working class. They say they’re middle class. I love words. Without them, we would gesture a lot

Nobody in America genuinely loves the working class. Professional Bull Riding. Coors Light. Toby Keith. What’s to love about barely making ends meet?

Hell, the thing of it is, the working class don’t call themselves the working class. They say they’re middle class. I love words. Without them, we would gesture a lot[/quote]

Nascar, marlboros, wal mart, Lee Greenwood, diabetes. Yeah, I take your point. At the same time, not being able to see into Jim Webb’s brain, I take him at his word.

Nobody in America genuinely loves the working class. Professional Bull Riding. Coors Light. Toby Keith. What’s to love about barely making ends meet?

Hell, the thing of it is, the working class don’t call themselves the working class. They say they’re middle class. I love words. Without them, we would gesture a lot[/quote]

Nascar, marlboros, wal mart, Lee Greenwood, diabetes. Yeah, I take your point. At the same time, not being able to see into Jim Webb’s brain, I take him at his word.[/quote]

I kind of like Wal-mart. No need to be a total elitist bastard.

[quote=“Jack el Tejano”]

Mike, I just want you to know I am stealing this.[/quote]

Feel free to spread the word about this insidious attempt to “Get Whitey”…

Wait! It’s all been a terrible mistake! She actually sid “Get Whitey’s”…

Illinois ice cream rated “Best in the Mid-West”

:laughing: Yup, that’s a hometown favorite.

AAaarghh! Still can’t figure out how to do images :frowning:

All this whoopla about Michelle and Obama. Whatda you guys think will happen when he gets into office, he’s gonna turn into Flava Flav? :loco:

No, he will turn into the President of the United States.

He will provide leadership and turn out to me more moderate than (republican) people give him credit for.

See your inbox. :wink:

Carville’s tooting Gore now. (That’s kind of odd.)

[quote=“Politico”]Former Clinton aide James Carville suggested on CNN just now that Obama offer Al Gore the vice presidential nomination.

“I think if I was Senator Obama I would say the biggest economic problem we face is the biggest national security problem and the biggest environmental problem. And if I were him, I would ask Al Gore to serve as his vice president, his energy czar, in his administration to reduce our consumption and reliance on foreign energy sources,” he told Wolf Blitzer.

Blitzer responded with some skepticism that Gore would accept a second tour, but Carville persisted.

“I’m not suggesting he’s just any vice president. I’m suggesting that Senator Obama as president would give him a lot of authority to deal with our consumption of oil,” he said. “I think it would send a signal to the world and send a signal to Congress and American people that he’s going to be really serious and we’re going to cut it and coordinate all of that as the vice president.”[/quote]

It’d be an interesting experiment in terms of the VP’s role. Especially considering that we’re just winding up a term where the VP had a VERY unconventional role.

Carville’s gone off the deep end. He’s been getting too much of that right-wing nookie. You see him in that Jesse James movie? Coo coo.

Gore would be piss poor choice for Obama. Gore is well liked by well heeled liberals on both coasts–a demographic that Obama already has in his corner. Gore is not popular with working class Democrats. If Obama wants to win battleground states, surely his advisors are smart enough to see that he needs someone who can appeal to such voters. Gore is a flake.

Has the VP spot become so specialized?

Obama could pick me as his running mate and still win by a landslide. The repubes have squandered all good will and will find themselves sleeping on park benches come January. And if all goes according to plan, Bush, Cheney, Rove will be tried for war crimes by spring.

I highly doubt a landslide. I think there’s still a lot of Americans uncomfortable with a “black” president, a guy with middle name “Hussein” and buys into the BS about his ties/sympathies to foreigners/terrorists (ie the “Unamerican” insult).

Enough people now look on the 2000 election as a terrible mistake. Gore’s done wonders for his reputation since then – making the right call on Afghanistan and Iraq while the Democratic Leadersheep were still lining up behind Bush, winning a Nobel prize, putting out an extremely popular movie and winning an Oscar – and returning him to the White House would please a lot of people looking for a “do-over” after not voting for him 8 years ago. Screw trying to grab a slice of a demographic… between Obama’s mass appeal, and Gore’s current status, they’d wash over McCain like a tsunami.

When you’re one bullet away, I would say so. :wink:

No, he will turn into the President of the United States.

He will provide leadership and turn out to me more moderate than (republican) people give him credit for.[/quote]
Glad someone said it.