Who's Going to Win the World Series?

I love the writeup on Yahoo Sports. It gives the details of the benches clearing and Martinez throwing Zimmer to the ground. And then there is this sobering sentence:

“Beer stands at Fenway Park were shut down for the remainder of the game.”

Yeah, that was a good write up. i had no idea Zimmer was so …there.


I knew that. I was pulling your leg. I seem to have discovered the one thing in life you are totally serious about.

A good thing to be serious about, by the way; a sport of heroism, tactics, physical skill, athletic prowess and teamwork (and lets hope sportsmanship). I’m afraid that my family really is rather teamsports uninclined and the only sports I really get into watching on TV are motorsports; especially pavement motorcycle racing and dirt [road] car rallying.
I feel that this is a weakness as motorsports lack all but the first three of the qualities I mentioned, and pollute the atmosphere and waste valuable resources as well.

Ah well, back to the topic; my possessing troll is getting weak and the responsible poster Joesax is regaining control.

I knew that. I was pulling your leg. I seem to have discovered the one thing in life you are totally serious about.[/quote]

I wouldn’t say “totally”, but 80% would be accurate. For 100%, that would be my plan to ease Taipei’s traffic problems by using air lifts.

For some strange reason, I like watching swimming. There’s something great about a swimmer coming from behind, catching up a few inches with each stroke, and beating the other guy right at the wall. But unlike motorcycle racing, there aren’t too many crashes.

Isn’t there a thread call Sporting Floats for confessions such as these? Or maybe, there’s something deeper and the apt thread should be Panties

Isn’t there a thread call Sporting Floats for confessions such as these? Or maybe, there’s something deeper and the apt thread should be Panties…[/quote]

Toe Save, don’t even get me started about synchronized swimming. Those noseplugs!

Stupid Cubs just blew a 3-0 lead during the top of the eighth inning in game 6. Dammit!

It can’t happen. It can’t happen. It can’t happen! The Cubs have to make the World Series. Don’t they? Kerry Wood to the rescue one more time?

Kerry Wood better come through. Who the frick wants to see the Florida Marlins in the World Series? (Besides White Sox fans)

You’re right. Yankees vs Cub and Red Sox vs Cubs, but the Marlins. Not enough history there to make it interesting…

Cubs fans and other interested viewers: some responses to the fan who interfered with a pop fly during the Cubs-Marlins game. These are taken from the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times:

  1. Taking it really hard:

"If it were warmer out, your palms would be soaked with sweat. Your sheets, too. Or maybe you’d still be walking the streets aimlessly.

Maybe you’d be curled in the fetal position on the sidewalk.

Or beating your skull against a tree while babbling about the pettiness and stupidity and cruelty of mankind.

Maybe you would have sacrificed an animal or a sack of grain or your career to appease the gods of injustice who demonize the Cubs.

Instead you’re just queasy and terrified, and visions of goat heads and black cats and Leon Durham’s spread legs and some doofus in the third-base grandstands interfering with Moises Alou’s chance to catch Luis Castillo’s pop-up are spinning through your head like socks in the tumble cycle."

From Marlins fan Cubs’ worst fears.

  1. Pointing out that some Cubs fans belong in the psycho ward:

"But other Cubs fans weren’t so willing to absolve. A man named Matt, who wouldn’t give his last name, sat nearby.

‘It’s a good thing they got him out of there,’’ Matt said. ‘They were going to beat the hell out of the guy. He was going to die.’"

From Spit hits the fan after souvenir try goes awry.

  1. Thinking, for some strange reason, that the one action of a fan has more influence over the Cubs’ destiny than the many actions of those nine multi-millionaires on the field:

“One guy in a gray sweatshirt reached over, but it was the screwball beside him who caused the mess, the one who looked like he has spent one too many nights keeping score and not enough at Murphy’s Bleachers. If he let Alou do his job and catch the ball, the Cubs probably would be preparing for a World Series right now. But he reached out and interfered with Alou, causing a quick and ugly unraveling that was stunning in its futility and quickness.”

From One fan reacts, and Cub curse lives.

  1. Having a sense of humor:

“Another fan yelled, ‘You could tell we’re better than Boston or he’d [the fan] be dead already.’”

From [url=http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseball/cubs/cs-031014cubsfan.story]Pop-foul fan draws hostility

Still only eleven respondents in the poll. That will be the Cubs total run score in game 7 vs. the not 11. (It should be enough)


It’s all over. Cubs are out. Kerry Wood, who was expected to shut down the Marlins, didn’t, although he did hit a two-run homer. Try again next year, boys.

%# %# &^%! Stupid, Stupid Cubs. They suck. I hate them.

Well, I’m over it already, because Martinez is pitching against Clemens in game 7 of the Sox-Yankees series. Ought to be a great game.

The only thing Cub fans have “enough of” is heart-break.

I am paralyzed for words right now.

I off to the kindergarten to play with a bunch of 5 year-old Taiwanese kids who are fortunate enough to have never even heard of the Cubs.

The only thing Cub fans have “enough of” is heart-break.

I am paralyzed for words right now.

I off to the kindergarten to play with a bunch of 5 year-old Taiwanese kids who are fortunate enough to have never even heard of the Cubs.[/quote]

Take these 500 “Cubs 2003 World Champions” T shirts I had printed up.
They actually say “Cuds” and “Chimpions” , but if you’re teaching the kids they wont know the difference, and I’m sure they’d love a free shirt.


[quote]Take these 500 “Cubs 2003 World Champions” T shirts I had printed up.
They actually say “Cuds” and “Chimpions” , but if you’re teaching the kids they wont know the difference, and I’m sure they’d love a free shirt. [/quote]

It’s funny because it’s true…it works on so many levels…

Thanks Joe. You did make me laugh.
But you’ll never understand what it’s like being a Cub fan.

My mom. She’s an intelligent, strong, tough, Irish… but a Cub fan.
She’s going to need support and I’m not there.
(Dad’s a White Sox fan. And they say mixed marriges don’t work.)


(On the up-side–you know everything in your little corner of the world must be really good when the biggest tragedy is a bunch of millionaires in pajamas lose a ball game.)

My name is not Joe, and since when did pagamas come with cups? Could be the reason for the faliure of mixed marriages…oh lets not go there.


sorry about that cubs fans. it is a good thing harry carey is dead. this would have killed him.

all of sammy’s homers couldn’t cover his poor defensive play. yes, the cubs have some great players, but the better TEAM won.

i really wish you woulda won. the cubs and sox in a “sympathy f&ck” series, just so the rest of us won’t have to listen to your simpering for another 85 years.

how many days til spring training?