Why are American politicians that support Taiwan mostly republicans or conservatives?

And not even the nice parts. Send them to Fresno or Stockton. :sunglasses:


This is easily Googleable information.

If it’s so googleable. Give me one example. Shouldn’t be hard.

Looks like California may have come up with a way to make its sanctuary cities seem a bit less attractive. If I were an illegal, for sure I’d think twice.

  1. Calling Mexicans rapists.
  2. Calling to ban Muslims.
  3. Telling Jews they’re foreigners and that they like to control people with money, telling people George Soros was behind the caravan, leading someone to shoot up the Pittsburgh synagogue.

Trump never called Mexicans rapists. He said that some illegal immigrants from Mexico are rapists, which is a fact.

Calling for an immigration ban on Muslims is not necessarily racist, especially when Muslim immigrants in Europe are committing acts of mass murder.

Telling non-American Jews they’re foreigners is simply stating a fact. Stating that Jews like to control people with money would be anti-Semitic, not racist - if Trump had said those words, that is. Speculating that George Soros was sponsoring Central American caravans traveling through Mexico to reach the southern US border is not racist, and therefore if someone murdered people in a Pittsburgh synagogue as a result it does not make Trump a racist.

Again, change your media diet. If you don’t then pretty soon you’ll be telling us that Trump has demanded a two-year extension on his first term. You’re showing signs of TDS already.

  1. He did not call Mexicans rapist.
  2. Muslim isn’t a race first of all. He wanted to put travel restrictions on countries that have problems with supporting terrorism. Not all of them were Muslim majority countries and maybe it is telling so many of the countries that were on the list of supporting terrorism are Muslim.
  3. Yeah, he didn’t cause the shooting. What’s wrong with you?

The man has been president for almost 4 years now. And in public spot light for decades now. That’s all you got for evidence of racism? You can probably find more evidence of racism going through a average persons social media current year. Pathetic.


If Trump is racist, he wouldn’t appear to be doing a very good job of it.





That’s useless, race-baiting information. Americans are much more likely to rape someone than an illegal immigrant.

You. Gotta. Be. Joking. White people have committed much more terrorism on American soil since 9-11 than Muslims. Like Don Lemon said, I don’t see a ban on white people.

Those were American Jews.

Well Okay!

Fine, he’s not racist. He just likes to incite racist violence.

I don’t even own a TV.

That’s a good start, but your stage-four TDS may require getting rid of your computer too. :grin:

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He called it a Muslim ban himself.

Hmm…he was fearmongering about the caravan and conspiracy theorizing about Soros funding it. So someone snapped and shot up a synagogue.

Fine, he’s not racist. He just says racist things and incites racist violence.

I think you mean that you don’t like Trump’s leadership style. You can certainly speculate that Trump incites racist violence, but that’s the strongest charge you can possibly bring.

It’s perfectly fine to disagree with his policies, and it’s perfectly understandable if you dislike/disagree with his leadership style. I occasionally do both, and I think we’d agree he shoots his own foot once for every five shots he aims at Democrats.

It’s not necessary to make stuff up to justify your dislike. Just pointing out that believing in made-up stuff and/or jumping to wild conclusions are two hallmarks of TDS.


If it was a Muslim ban, then why did it not include the vast majority of the world’s Muslim population, and did include North Korea and Venezuela??


Tokenism? People can’t emigrate from North Korea anyway.

As far as Venezuela goes, Guaido’s wife was just in Miami.

hmmm…are you aware of how Trump came up with that list of Countries to ban ?

Of course I am. First, he called it a Muslim ban. Then, his lawyers made it kosher by changing it to select Muslim-majority countries. Then, after courts struck it down, he added those countries so it wasn’t all Muslim countries.

Who compiled the list of Countries that he used in the ban ?



It was originally a list of terrorist countries, people from which had to register with the U. S. government.

Obama destroyed that list of registered persons to make it harder for Trump to create a Muslim registry.