Why are American politicians that support Taiwan mostly republicans or conservatives?

Avoiding war is good when there’s progress towards a reasonable solution through peace. Not when the other side continues their aggression and test how much they can get away with.


“why are american politicians that support taiwan mostly republicans or conservatives?”

because they don’t actually understand the history of china and taiwan, or their relationship, or foreign affairs in general, and (what is construed as) their “support” is predicated entirely on reactionary anti-china sentiment. it’s not that deep.

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I agree with your take on China for sure.

I don’t believe a military confrontation plays out well, or Obama was unwise to encourage diplomatic relations and foster economic cooperation.

I’ve read arguments the US was too slow to react to certain expansionist moves on Chinas part under his administration which seem plausible. But overall TW seems a lot less safe after Barry than during his presidency to me.


This appears false (please point me in the right direction if it isn’t). A quick search online shows that Obama approved 12bil worth of arms, with the bulk of it during his first term. Seems to be the most arms sales to Taiwan of any president so far. There were some delays to appease China but it looks like all were completed (not positive on that).

Even Trump is stalling on completing sales until after the trade war- which as we all know has been extended.

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The first took more than 4 years of pressure from his own military advisors and republicans. He had no interest is giving Taiwan weapons sale from all accounts I read. Awful time for Taiwan. The weapons sale is all about symbolic support. I remember the stuff he sold Taiwan were completely useless and not what Taiwan asked for at all.

They have no position. Too many voter variables. This is the political problem with intersectionality. You convince people they are not in this group but in that group or that they are part of several smaller groups, but that they have to work together as one group to get what they want. If the Dems had any real position…on anything…they wouldn’t have to do that.

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One year into his presidency apparently 60 Black Hawks and over a hundred PAC3 Patriots plus other stuff was approved. While I agree that Obama was generally spineless towards China, and I too read complaints about outdated and overpriced gear, your claims on the timeline don’t seem very accurate.

One interesting and messed up thing was the Obama admin pausing a completion at the end of his tenure that had been approved way back in 2011. It was for upgrading F16s

Liberals often don’t have the balls to defend liberalism.

Maybe becuase they don’t really believe in it?


I think they do, but they’re pansies.

I thought liberals weren’t supposed to use words like “pansy.” Wait…you’re not a liberal, are you? :sunglasses:

I’m a liberal with balls. I’d buy a gun to keep Trump from deporting me.

Why would trump deport you? Are you an illegal?

Cuz he’s racist??? I’m a dual citizen.

How does one deport a citizen?

Give me evidence of his racism. I’ve not seen any.


Well, that sounds like a liberal fantasy, so you must be a liberal. :grin:


kinda like my “hippies need to learn to shoot guns” trope

Good lord. You’re a citizen but you think Trump would somehow deport you?

Step away from the MSM, man. You’re displaying a hallmark symptom of TDS.


Deport them all to California!