Why do I dislike Islam?

no one force you to like Islam either, but single out a religion flaw by citing one aspect (human rights, which has its own bias) is a lame argument, go find something else to bash.

Oh, but I would be forced to like Islam if the opportunity ever arises.

I think a terrible human rights record is a perfect reason to bash a belief system. I like humans.


oh yeah? so please explain me how your perspective of human rights should muslim countries follow and embrace? which country is your role model? then we can start our discussion


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you mean Swedistan?? let me take one minute to laugh :smiley:

That is a by-product of caring about human rights.

How about not doing things from jailing, public flogging to deaths like throwing gay people off buildings? Not even advocating for gay marriage. Just that don’t whip and throw people off buildings.

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Are you really going to say ehhh, the lack of human rights development is like whatever and not a big deal. Because there are other aspects of Islam that outweighs it?


nah, my point is about perspective of this human rights,

please quote me how many Asian countries advocating gay mariage? will you blame their religion (or majority religion) as well?

no one condoning it but lunatics

your role model is eventually embracing Muslim immigrants, hence render your point of bashing invalid. pardon my lame joke though

Ask a Christian what are the most important aspects of their belief and something related to human rights will always be mentioned. They’ll probably use a word like compassion.

Oh, and no, human rights is not relative.

At no point have I been discussing Muslims. I’m struggling to see how so many posters are failing to get the distinction between a belief and a person.

same goes with Islamic teachings, though we’ve had enough wars between them, why wouldn’t you blame Christianity as well? I know, you mentioned it from the first place, you don’t like organized religions, but still, single out Islam is lame.

nah, see your first statement, you want to bash Islam and Muslims more often, because of blah blah blah, yet when I asked you which country is your role model? you failed to convince me about your point

The concept of human rights is that they are rights as a human being. They aren’t suppose to be relative.

There’s a huge difference between not advocating for gay marriage to jailing, flogging, stoning, burning, and throwing them off buildings and other forms of execution. You can receive any of these in many Muslim countries from the law, local Muslim court or just good ole public mobs.

I think you’re misjudging the opinions of Muslims about homosexuality. There’s a large percentage that do believe it’s justified.

see, you are forcing your opinion about this absolute perspective of human rights.

Why? It’s more lame to group them together when they’re fundamentally different. And there’s only one major religion right now that is causing problems. We just going to ignore it?

too many presumption and prejudice in a single sentence.

No…human rights are either absolute or none existent. Do you understand the concept of rights?

I do blame Christianity as well. It was an awful belief system 700 years ago and it’s far from good now. Islam is worse.

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