Male bashing in the media

I’m not really fighting this because well it really proves my point, at a certain level “correcting” as you say gender equality with rules and laws becomes rather discriminatory. We can pave way with the law to makes sure as least legally, no matter who you are, you have the same legal rights. Obviously we are not an egalitarian society, so I might be better off than the average Taiwanese because I had an education abroad and there will be of course cases of unfairness to say. But there’s nothing stopping a average Taiwanese in being able to say learn English on his own or save up and go to college abroad. Is it harder and not really fair I’m just ahead of someone because I’m born into one family and situation and in the current year? Not really but legally me and other Taiwanese have the same right. I did my military conscription just as them. I know many who use dual citizenship to fly in and out. I did the one thing my country asks of me in return, and I pointed out it’s rather hypocritical of women in Taiwan saying its not fair when men have been doing military conscription since my fathers time. He was stationed at one of those islands close to the mainland and the situation was different than. Also I think it was close to 2 years men had to do back then.

And I’m not really going to fight a committee that’s obviously hypocritical and basically proves itself worthless.

I just don’t think modern main stream feminism is helping or even bringing up much good points and fighting for the right things these days. That’s not to say there are real womens issues in the world. Obviously like I pointed out women in saudi arabia have it rough. But in the west, and even in taiwan, things for women in 2018 are actually more and more in favor of them in many cases. And I think i’ve even made some good points of many areas where men are in a worse position than women now. I’m not sure I would say this even 10-15 years ago. But in 2018, I actually believe things overall are very much equal, and there are some outliers of situation where women are in a better position in.