Why do people smoke weed? Especially in Taiwan

…and this because you happen to have met every fucking Asian doctor and/or every professor what growed up in Asia?

Jesus H. Christ, we gots ourselves a live one here.

I do have to say: it may be good judgement to not to smoke in Taiwan with how the laws are. Especially if you’re a foreign face since people think you all smoke weed. I didn’t when I was in Taiwan.

I highly doubt it, my parents grew up in communist china. Drugs are a death penalty. Most of the upper middle class professionals at least my father’s age has definitely not done weed or any other drugs.

it could have been phrased better yes

Not really. I couldn’t really do my job on drugs. But microdosing is becoming a big thing. It’s nice to take a drug but know it isn’t going to rear up on you, just mellow you out. Joe Rogan swears by it.

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love Joe Rogan’s podcasts

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Maybe you’d be surprised :wink:

Due to the laws and negative social connotation, it’s not openly talked about in Asian countries. But people in other countries are more open to it being a totally socially acceptable personal choice and legit medication for many ailments that’s actually better than past drug alternatives.

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caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, they are all drugs, most people do drugs.

furthermore alcohol is a far more dangerous drug then canabis. imho.

Well it is possible to get psychologically dependent on it, and the weed around these days is so much stronger than before. In Holland they limit the THC content to under a certain limit.

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In high school i took my SATs right after I smoked a joint in the parking lot. Got a better school than without. I can not say if it’s the weed, since most people usually do better the 2nd time. But it didn’t hurt as far as I know. And I got a score in the top 5% in the country so it wasn’t like I wasn’t functioning at a high level in the first place.

Sure, but a lot of things are. It’s far less problematic than the risk imo. people also get mentally addicted to McDonald’s and the food is soooo much more caloric than in the past.

The THC limit means nothing. If you limit me to a small drink in McDonald’s I’ll jist get 3 drinks. Or you get a large; just drink half.


Why people drink alcohol is complicated. Maybe they find it enjoyable or maybe they do it because they are addicts, or they are feeling shitty and want to get wasted after a bad breakup, or they do it to numb the pain from something, some guys drink alcohol with girls and try to get them drunk so they have a better chance to get laid that night…

All of that breaks down to it being enjoyable.

Oh god. I watched this gem 3 days ago. Easily the best video ever made in any media.

Getting drunk because you are feeling pain from something makes it enjoyable? I don’t really think so

I partly agree, although if someone was trying it for the first time and if I knew much about the subject I might recommend they go for some regular Moroccan black than some Northern Lights skunk. And I’d say knocking back shots of whiskey is way more risky than Taiwan beer. I’ve seen people totally tripped out their minds on weed especially if they’re a little paranoid anyway.

It’s a source of enjoyment which will relieve the pain.

The hangover the next morning, would very likely not be a source of enjoyment

Certainly not, it’s just a price to be be paid for excessive enjoyment :slight_smile: