Why do people smoke weed? Especially in Taiwan

They prescribe it here a lot and in huge amounts. I agree it’s highly addictive and dangerous.

This conversation reminded me of a favorite song.


Will this be merged into the Brexit thread or was that cocaine


You deserve some kind of award for only being on here since Monday and still making the Stupidest Post Ever.
And if you scroll down and see who replied, you’ll realize you got some pretty stiff competition going there, buster.

Might as well ask @Andrew0409 why he hates gay people and women, or @finley what complex carbohydrate frightened him as a child, scarring him for life, or Brother @Gain why he hates everyone.

OK, never mind that last one, that’s pretty reasonable.

We missed DMT.

Because birds of a feather flock together.

Homosexuals stole the word “Gay”. In the old days we could say it’s a gay day today or you look so gay. Not anymore. Yes, I’m being sarcastic and Andrew doesn’t hate gay people it’s against his religious convictions and mine. Doesn’t mean I hate someone just cause I don’t agree with it. I don’t like people picking their nose in Mac Donalds doesn’t mean I hate them.

Like I said, I’m just an idiot 26 year old university dropout here for some wisdom from older formosans . And the last thread I started was the first time starting a thread in a forum in my entire life. Usually just lurking, hate social media but enjoy browsing forums for info and advice

I really don’t recommend this. It’s how I started, I gained almost nothing from it, and now I’m stuck here.

Might I suggest going back to school?


No kidding, did someone tell you (the OP) there were smart people on here??
If so, I strongly suggest you pursue a full refund.

Check your apartment for gas leaks
Just saying

Skunk will mess you up. Synthetic cannabinoids can be off the charts (do not randomly take that stuff). But generally alcohol is worse than the natural herb, agreed.

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Them raccoons will chew anything.

Definitely going back to finish my bachelor’s degree eventually. I would like to think there are at least 50 intelligent human beings on this forum who can occasionally give good advice when needed or more knowledgable than me on a subject. Lots of learning to do and any advice on those subjects that I have no knowledge about would be appreciated. I would hope some of the older posters here aren’t cynical and jaded as I think. especially from the gentleman named @Gain

Hey don’t play that card newb.
We were helping you out and that can change very fast.


The main lesson you’ve yet to learn here is all the crabbiest posters are actually some of the best ones.


Sharp tongue and quick wit from rocket, is gain just this bitter all the time?

No, only 89% of the time.


If you can’t handle a little sass then you’re gonna have a bad time.


My views on marijuana use are to never indulge in a place where it’s illegal. Some of my senior family members in the US are choosing marijuana or CBD oil instead of pain killer crap that doctors are prescribing because there are fewer side effects and gives relief from arthritis and insomnia. I can see where it could be really helpful for people who have trouble managing stress or suffer from panic attacks.