Why do women hate men?

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: You mean Loretta is a man? Weā€™ve been dating all this time and I never knew? :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

I feel soā€¦


As for being a northern European women: I wouldn

wow, what is this thread.

Hereā€™s a quick answer thatā€™s not very complete or even accurate.

Sexism is everywhere. Iā€™m a guy and I can only imagine. Women are pretty much treated like dirt their whole life. In our modern world, itā€™s become subtle and subterranian. They know suffering. And really want out. So love becomes very important. To many. Many things, maybe everything gets attached to love.

You can say that again.

Doubt it. Who discovered that? Studies? Evidence?

From a May, 2003 BBC article:

And from a June, 2003 BBC article:

Humans are said to have between 20,000 and 25,000* genes. 78 out of 20,000 is more in the neighbourhood of .4%. {revised as 78 out of 20,000 is close to .6%!}

So, while, superficially, that looks close, itā€™s important to consider which genes are different. Y chromosomal and X chromosomal differences comprise the majority of difference between men and women I think.

*source for figures can be found here

Personally, I think men who hate women are more of a concern. Those ones tend to do more damage.

bob, fair though. Bring on your contempt and scorn. Even the greatest gods, the masters of the luminous day, must laugh at their highest moments.

Die Rose ist ohne Warum.
Sie bl


ā€œTend to doā€ was a better choice of words than you perhaps realize.

Statistically, men who hate men do by far the most damage. The vast majority of violent crimes are male against male. Men are both the prime perpetrators and prime victims of most of the misery on this earth. It doesnā€™t take a genius to figure out that the two may be related. Women are for the most part sheltered and protected from many of the harsher, cruel realities of life. (Iā€™m going to take a lot of flak for that last generalization).

Emotional damage friend. Emotional damage.

They should show more sex (not meaning full on porn by the wayā€¦ :s ) on tv, and less violence and war movies. Then the world would be a much better place methinksā€¦

todayā€™s science is so pathetically superficial, I canā€™t even read it.

To at least take one step further, try reading about the science wars.


if all youā€™ve read is contemporary, try digging a little deeper.

Who has even Darwin himself and has something intelligent to say.