Why is it so easy to "Hurt the feelings of the Chinese people"?

  • Nigeria’s economy size has not changed from 2010 to 2020. Its unemployment rate went from 6% in 2015 to 33% in 2020.
  • South Africa’s economy is smaller in 2020 than it was in 2010, and unemployment rate is 34%.
  • Brazil’s economy size virtually halved from 2011 to 2020 thanks to Real being a joke.
  • Russian economy is also smaller now than it was 10 years ago.
  • Turkey is projected to be a smaller economy than Taiwan next year when 10 years ago it was almost twice the size.
  • Mexico’s economy has not changed in 10 years.

These are some of the leading developing economies. The conclusion is yes, the vast majority of developing countries are not developing at all and it is completely their own doing. Other than China, the only other major developing economy with impressive growth is India, where China is extremely unpopular.

The point is that sphere of influence is not influential at all beyond China itself.

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Take a second and think of this. Germany is ruled for decades by childfree, feminist women. Second strongest nation, French is ruled by a guy, who married his 25 older high school teacher.

Such people can’t call China out. You need leaders with stronger character, from traditional western background and believes.

I fail to see who could call China out. They naively believe China can provide growth opportunities. Meanwhile Europe economical stagnation is pure domestic origin. Has always been like this. Lacking behind USA.

Gain is obviously a product of the Bill Clinton school of underestimating China, as that worked out so well. :thinking:

I’m concerned about the influence of China in the global South, if you are not.

On Nigeria, you understand that it’s the education and entertainment hub of Africa. Nigerians are some of the most successful immigrants to the US academically. Mismanagement and corruption have cut the legs off a country that will eventually be a powerhouse

Europe is wary of forming an alliance with the US against China because the US is no longer seen as a reliable partner.

Reason being, that the US voted in Donald Trump and could do again(or someone similar). Trump destroyed US alliances and it’s going to take a lot to rebuild them.

It’s nothing to do with feminism or weak leaders, the US shit the bed

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You keep missing the point, which is that the Global South is not doing well and is not likely to improve much in the foreseeable future. For a developing country to become rich and wealthy, they need Asian Tigers’ level of growth when Asian Tigers were developing countries, which is not being observed in the Global South at all except China itself and India.

The reality is the largest economies in the Global South are growing slowlier than the Global North.

Apparently they will just magically grow those legs back :roll:

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I don’t agree. I’m not missing the point, I don’t agree.

What is influence? Votes at the UN? Military bases? Markets to sell products?

Also, take a look at Rwanda, currently the model for African growth Rwanda's High Growth Rate Sustains and Flourishes in 2020 - BORGEN

When a country continues to be poor, what kind of influence would they possibly have? What kind of leverage would China have against the West with these loser Global South economies which can’t afford shit?

There are always exceptions. Like I said, the economies doing well in the Global South tend to be very small ones.

Nope, Merkel follows idea of our industrialized elite, which love idea to use cheaper Chinese engineers and big Chinese market to sell their machineries.

There is just little problem, once Chinese get experience, you are out of their market

Votes in the UN
Votes in international organization
Military bases

How do you think China exerts so much power over the WHO?

Anyway, this is a digression.

The original claim was that “everyone hates China now”

And my argument is that they don’t

It’s not like those IOs really make any difference.

Africa’s resources do not belong to China. Most of the oil rigs in Africa are actually developed by Western multinationals like Royal Dutch Shell and BP.

Even France has more military bases in Africa than China. A lot more. China only has 1 in Djibouti.

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For now.

The Belt and Road is a relatively new project, we don’t know what it will look like in ten years.

International Organizations do matter by the way.

If you think the global south doesn’t matter and never will, then that’s up to you. I disagree. But the US and “the West” is losing influence there

Well, if they love China so much, what’s stopping them?

Probably dead.

I don’t see any reason to have much confidence in them at all. The days of economic miracles are over. The Global South is unlikely to prosper as evidenced by their poor performance in the past decades.

In what ways?


Who are you and why do you hold such prejudiced and bigoted beliefs? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



I’m not a hundred percent sure, but think it’s a Canadian Internet message board custom. I once did a search about it and managed to stumble onto a webpage that said about as much (or maybe I wasn’t even searching for it and found it anyway), but I must not have bookmarked or shortcutted the page, or otherwise saved the info, and so far today I haven’t been able find the info again by searching.

But I think that’s it–that it’s some kind of Internet custom.

I was taught by a master of the form: a much-missed forumosan named Mr T, who always signed off his posts by typing: “T”.



Confident people, and therefore nations, don’t have their feelings hurt.

Clearly not everyone. People are still investing huge amounts into China. People are still buying made in china products. the hate for china is as shallow and fake as any other humanitarian cause. When it comes to chips on the table…crickets…

Interpol help solve crimes internationally, for an example. Was not good when China got it’s proxy at the top and used to persecute Uighur activists in Europe.

Unless you think stuff like that is groovy

Other organization set international standards.

I guess this article should go here.

Basic idea of the article…

The Financial Times on Saturday (Sept. 11) cited multiple sources as stating that the White House is “seriously considering” granting a request by Taiwan to change the name of its representative office in Washington from the “Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office” (TECRO) to the “Taiwan Representative Office.” On Sunday, Chinese government mouthpiece the Global Times posted an editorial threatening military and economic retaliation if the U.S. goes through with the planned name change.

I don’t know how seriously to take this. Is The Global Times a legitimate news source or more like a tabloid?