Why is there a steady wash of pro-Trump, anti-Democrats propaganda circulating on Taiwanese social media?

Yes they were asked. I will ask my Congressman again tomorrow.


Maybe because Fox News is no longer on most TV in Taiwan. So getting the word out via other methods.

Some Democrats just turn a blind eye to the CCP similar to the EU until you can’t avoid them anymore.


Sponsored by Republicans, of course.


So? Has the US came out and guaranteed the protection of Taiwan like they did for South Korea and Japan? Has the US acknowledged as a sovereign country and reestablished formal relationships?

In the US’ current weakened state, and distrust from the US’ traditional allies, China is more bold than ever in challenging Taiwan’s air identification zone. It is also aggressively increasing the activities of its armored “dredging” and “fishing” ships. The arming of South China atolls hasn’t stopped. And Asian countries surrounding China are now uncoordinated and some even feuding with one another.

The current state is a recipe for war, and there are obvious foreign interventions in Taiwan, influencing even major medias such as the Liberty Times into publishing piece after piece of hyped up and biased claims on Hunter Biden.

Why? What is the motive here? There is a sustained campaign to present the Taiwanese with biased and pro-GOP propaganda, and it very successfully has convinced many and have them incredibly worked up about the election in the US. I have never seen people here in Taiwan giving a rats ass about the US presidential elections before this. Something is up, I just want to know what it is.

What are the hyped up biased claims about Hunter if I may ask?

I have added the latest Liberty Times article to my last post. I would say most major media around the world, aside from FOX news, would caution that the claims about Hunt Biden is unverified, at least for now. However, most media here in Taiwan report it as the fact, as if they are a branch of FOX news.

More could always be done, of course, but the things you’re asking for here could lead to war, so proceeding with caution is the wise course. The things that are being done in support of Taiwan, on the other hand, are all being done by Republicans.


Just took a look, and yes those are the more salacious claims, the one about 3 hard drives made by some Chinese, as far as I know has no verification.

The one Rudy Guilani has, apparently from Hunter’s laptop and a 14 year old, is also one of the more salacious claims, I have seen the rumors of who it is and will be removing any posts that try to name her in IP or in USP, as far as I am aware she is still a minor and I’m not even sure of the legality of posting such unverified claims on public forums.

Someone doesn’t grasp the business model of news.

The only thing making America look weak right now is a contentious election.

The following is illustrative of the choice we face.

US wants Canada to not use Huawei for 5G networks.

Canada is reluctant to listen to the US because Trump is an imbecile and a buffoon.

US has to send people like Rubio to Canada to get them to stop using Huawei.

So has Trump hurt our alliances yes.

But would Biden even have tried to get other countries to stop using Huawei? Good chance he wouldn’t have.


So, Canada gonna trade Huawei’s princess for some free 5G Huawei equipment for its provinces?

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That the 3 hard drives are from the Chinese and that the hard drives are Hunter Biden’s, these are two things that need not be mutually exclusive.

They can both be true.

I show you how: the Chinese bought and paid for Hunter’s MacBooks. So whatever is on Hunter’s Macbooks is essentially on Chinese Macbooks.

Come to think of it, Hunter was literally, and legally business partner with “The Spy Chief of China”. What’s wrong with both partners or employees sharing the same company expenses / properties?

The Chinese were so thoughtful and considerate that they even backuped / cloud-synced for Hunter. It’s company properties right? Why not. L,O,L.

If you are using 3 laptops, you are going to have to use iCloud or some sort of cloud drives to manage them.

In the latest audio, you can hear Hunter panicking.

Or rsync over SSH.

I’m guessing the Bidens aren’t that tech savvy.

No, because Trump is not a swamp creature like the swamp creatures running Canada.

I wonder how the government are feeling now? Praying for a Trump win?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :man_facepalming:


Who knows? Maybe “the big guy” owns 10% of Huawei. :joy:

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Official title?

Did you listen to Hunter’s recorded audio?
If not, any reason why you wouldn’t want to?
Be informed and access 1st hand evidence, then you can verify it yourself. it’s the year 2020 not 1990.