Woman's racist physical assault on black child - am I wrong to think the reaction is overblown?

Maybe we’re all coming at this from the wrong angle

And the sharing of her personal arrest history on national news.
Reporters chasing her down.
Reporters acting like the victim was a “little boy” to exaggerate the effect of the story.
Reporters mocking her to her face when this person (in my eyes, I’m not a doctor) is clearly mentally unstable.
Accusing her of racism.
And yes, the online mob which … unfortunately for her, what goes online now tends to well… stay… online…

The national news aspect and the sharing of her personal information on said national news are the main ones that gross me out. That’s all .

And yeah I think it should go for everyone to an extent. Obviously if a terrorist bombed a shopping mall I would want to know about their previous arrest history in national news. I just thought this one was a bit much


It’s how things work now. As I said earlier, everyone will have forgotten about it in a week or two.

It isn’t fair.


I think that the video proves that she’s guilty of attacking a kid… right?

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Well I was more talking about the racial aspect.

And to go off of the video. No, to me not really. Feel like if a court says so, then yes sure.
But no. I often see a lot of videos in the news that are later provided with more context.

People were saying the George Floyd video proved it was first degree murder. But if you watch the video of the police bodycam that charge could be disputed.

Some people in my town provided video evidence of black lives matter looting our zoo last year. It was all over reddit and then further context was given and it turned out to be a joke/doctored.

Even deep fake videos are becoming disturbingly accurate.

Honestly, if we wanted to publicly shame someone, I feel it would be ideal to do it after they are proven guilty in a court of law. Not the court of CBS.

(Yes I think that girl is guilty. I just think our media’s rush to judgement and the instinctual outrage is following a dangerous precedent)

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Her accusation triggers a series of events. Luckily, this time he was with his family but if he had been by himself, it would have been a different story.

People are being specially harsh on her because she has shown no remorse. This kind of behavior, where a faulty, or rather, one sided legal system is abused for racist prejudice, has to be faced with disgust to raise awareness, and hopefully, someday, put a stop to it.

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Well if she has abused the legal system out of racial prejudice, then yes that is terrible.

It sounds like Taiwan

Her second DUI arrest was filmed by bystanders.

There are gang members killing people right now and you’re arresting a girl?

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Woman leaves her phone in an Uber. Enters hotel and realises phone is missing. Immediately blames the closest coloured kid that walks past. Physically assaults him and accuses him of doing something he didn’t do.

Not sure it really needs to go past this. She’s a Karen.


No, but she said she was asking all the guests leaving. How many did she tackle? Just the young black guy? Doesn’t default to racism, but it ain’t a good look. :wink:

Define a “Karen”.

we did that yesterday, why not explore the batman angle more instead?!

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She possibly has mental health issues and probably has substance abuse issues. Race/ethnicity may also be an issue. She may not also identify as white or of color at this point.

So… If people aren’t found guilty in a court of law, people should be like, she cool? Really?

I don’t know what the “batman angle” is.

Not what I was saying. I don’t in fact think she is cool at all tbh
She seems like an asshole

I just think rushing into the pile-on is harmful for society as a whole. Especially without getting full context of the person and/or situation.

Nick Sandman is another case I can think of in just the last year or so. His case, I believe due to the political tint to the story, was cleared up with more context later on but not everyone does or will get that same treatment. I believe there are plenty more examples and also more to come in the future.


rather than discussing if she is racist and/or deserves all of the negative attention, why not consider the ways in which she is and isn’t batman?

also, the image is at an angle, which is fun. michael keaton

  1. likes gadgets
  2. if it had been a rich white man, would we feel differently?
  3. troubled family background, missing father
  4. what role does the car play in the story?
  5. who doesn’t like to watch a little vigilante justice?

This is very strange to me, but it might be logical to you.

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