Working remotely in Taiwan for a foreign company

Hi guys,

I’ve been looking around to find answers to my specific situation with no luck, so hopefully someone here has been in a similar situation and can assist.

My fiancee has gotten a job in Taiwan that she’ll be starting around September and we are looking into different options on how I can join her. We’re planning on getting married before leaving, so we’re thinking the spousal visa is the right fit.

I would like to keep my current job in Europe and work remotely from Taiwan.

However we are unsure if this is allowed and based on the research we’ve done, it looks like a grey area. Consequently, this brings me to my questions; Has anyone kept their job from their home-country and worked remotely from Taiwan on a spousal visa? Or does anyone have information on the topic? Any help is much appreciated!

Also I will qualify for a Gold Card in January/February - so it will only be a temporary solution, if it’s possible

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Have you asked this question on Facebook or something recently? I feel like I’ve seen it before, or something very similar.

Maybe I’m thinking of this thread. Are you the same person?

if you want it to be 100% legal, and to be able to have your employer send the money here, you will need the gold card. the spouse arc you will get doesnt include a work permit.
having said that, as long as you work from home and the money goes to your European account, no one will know about it here.

You’re allowed to work remotely for a foreign company on a Gold Card Visa, but there are tax issues you need to keep in mind. For the first 90 days in Taiwan, you won’t have to pay taxes to Taiwan on foreign income, but after that you will have to. If the country you’re coming from has a double-taxation treaty with Taiwan, you’ll only have to pay taxes to Taiwan, if it doesn’t you might have to pay taxes to both countries.

In my experience, most companies don’t want to deal with the tax headache and will not be willing to let you work for them in Taiwan for more than 90 days (I’ve checked with many companies that wanted to give me a job). If you work for a company that is letting you work there for longer (and your country has a double-taxation treaty with Taiwan), you’re very lucky!

They might figure it out if you try to extend the Gold Card Visa after three years.

my impression is that OP just needs a solution for September - February. after the gold card there are no legal issues as far as work permit is concerned.

If it’s a aprc to a local it includes an open work permit though right?

marriage to local is JFRV, and includes open work rights.
in this case i understand its 2 foreigners coming to TW.

Yeah in this case. I was asking because I’m looking to get married to a local and want to switch to a remote position for an American company if I can land a position (not exactly easy to find work in America that lets you work remote from Taiwan in the field I want to transition to (UX research) especially a part time internship)

yes, if you marry a local you shouldn’t have any problems of working here legally. finding work is another story, but possible.