Would it?

I go regularly and have a passport full of taiwan stamps, never had an issue.

I have two passports filled with TW, HK and CN stamps. Never had one rejected

I’ve heard it from immigration lawyers who have had to make separate passports for clients. China can reject your visa without telling you the reason, it’s something to keep in mind.

Isn’t like that in any country?

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left a F:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:k word on a post and was told by administration No F or C words to be used I’ve seen the aformentioned twice so far on this post and Ch:cn:a no end of times.

Yes. I’m just telling you what I’ve been told my people who make a living on visas. It happens.

If they suspect of something they will install an app and download all your data then ask for passwords also (this may happen in western countries as well).

I’ve been pulled over on entry a couple of times over the years but thankfully they just ran checks on my visa and asked me some routine dumb questions. These days I don’t know what would happen .

Anyway some Taiwanese dude in Inner Mongolia received this treatment when on a camping holiday recently. Also if you go into mainland and they suspect you were in HK doing stuff . Or if you enter Xinjiang from the west they scan everybody’s phone automatically. The sensitive places…


It depends on the forum here–different mods have different standards. Currently, @yyy in the Legal forums, @Marco in Food, and @hannes in Travel have a stricter interpretation of “excessive profanity” as described in our rules.

Maybe there should be a thread somewhere that explained how each moderator interprets this and other rules… :2cents:


Mine does.


Not much going on in the Travel sections, and that is good so. I’d like to keep it as a place for finding information about travel-related matters. If people start using profanity, it’s a clear indication to me that the discussion turns away from travel-related matters. And that’s when I will step in. I think it’s good for a site like this to have some “safe spaces” like that. Maybe I am old-fashioned, well, I am. :slight_smile:


No, but they are all brain washed sheeple who follow the crowd.

The regime doesn’t strike as the sort of people who prioritize in a rational sense. This type clamp down on whatever triggers them the hardest at the moment.

Or to some stan-tues…