Would you go to Taiwan RIGHT now?

Your filters are different. 99.9% is for one dose and 88.3% is fully vaccinated.


But if someone has received a dose, it seems unlikely they are resisting the vaccine. So what does that say about the electoral map? Remember, this is a political issue, right?

Oregon also has a hospital issue because much of the state is rural, so hospitals like OHSU are seeing a massive surge of people from outside of the metro area.

That rural counties have lower vaccinations and higher rates of covid.

Electoral Map



Couldn’t find the state map for hospitalizations but it’s included in the national map.

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Ah, counties. I didn’t take counties into consideration. :slight_smile:

Edited to add:

I think I can explain the lag, though, because I’m from one of those states.

When I was a teenager I did some work for this guy who was from up north (I think Minnesota). I was also friends with his son (who was born and raised in Louisiana). One day I was over at their place, and I was talking to the son, and I heard the Minnesota dad ask his Louisiana son from another room, “Did you register for the draft yet?” And the son said, “No, sir.” And the dad said, “The next time I ask you, if you haven’t registered, I’m gonna beat your ass.”

Now, I don’t think that the son was a draft resister. I just think, that having been born and raised there, the son was more like the natives, and his dad had retained his northern disposition.

By the way, I’ve only been vaccinated once. But I’m not resisting, honest.

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Yeah Charlie no worries.
I suspect that Mayo chart has an issue for the single dose. It doesn’t make much sense to me. It says 999/1000 over 65s took one dose. Doesn’t look right.

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Yeah, I messed that up. I should have paid closer attention.

And yeah, 99.9% is a startling percentage.

And I suspect @Malasang88 may be right to some extent, but we are pretty bad about procrastinating, which is a more innocent explanation, in my view.

For years, my motto was “Never put off till tomorrow what you can put off till next week.” I think I may have improved a little since then. For one thing, nowadays I start procrastinating sooner, which seems to help a little.

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That’s not what I’ve heard the experts saying.

Study 2

A report published in the journal Nature reflected the findings that a single shot of a two-dose vaccine such as Pfizer-BioNTech or AstraZeneca provided “barely” any protection.

Anyway, back to the topic, if you are coming from a place where restrictions are minimal and most people have moved on with life coming to Taiwan is a shock to the system. Not a decision to take lightly.

I see it as Taiwan has a long way to go until the people in charge will change the policies to be more along the lines of living with the virus. All signs point to more restrictions coming not less. And once we get enough vaccinated we will soon after have to deal with the reality which is that the vaccines only protect people up to a point. Breakthrough infections with delta are not so rare and they can cause hospitalization and death in the elderly and people with health conditions like diabetes. In the US and countries with lots of vaccines it looks like they will keep boosting these people but Taiwan isn’t going to have that luxury for a long time.


Taiwan has ordered a shit tonne of vaccines and will produce at one domestically. So shouldn’t be too.bad.

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I love how the mods moved my coronavirus comments to different thread because they obviously disagree with it, but kept up all this nonsense about arguing about which state is performing better my team vs your team crap. great derailment of the thread.

Can you translate this to English that sober people understand; I don’t understand your point.

If you read through the details, the study most quoted is from the New England Journal of Medicine. The effectiveness they are talking about is against symptomatic infection, not severe illness (i.e. hospitalization). At the end of the day, that’s what matters.


As for more severe illness resulting in hospitalization or death, the Canadian study indicated that one dose of the BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna and Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines was 78 percent, 96 percent and 88 percent effective, respectively, against the Delta variant.

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You’ll be ok just read it in the evening.

Lmao that study is from July. Jesus Christ there’s already like 30 more variants

Lmao Delta is the most common one.


Yeah and up to date studies show the vax can’t achieve herd immunity anymore.

Lmao that’s irrelevant.


how is that irrelevant? thats literally how taiwan is planning on opening is by outdated fucking information.

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I don’t fucking agree bro. Herd immunity means different things to different people, in the same manner with the way ‘vaccine effectiveness’ gets tossed around.


ok well guess what literally the creator of the astrazenca vaccine even disagrees with you Herd Immunity 'Not a Possibility' With Delta: AstraZeneca Developer so have fun chasing a dragon thats literally impossible with a virus that will mutate every time you try to vaccinate for it because of evolutionary pressure.