Write here like an expert but having no clue to people who know more than you

Your understanding of lawn maintenance is rudimentary. As one can see, the variance in the pitch of the lawn suggests infrequent rolling and the presence of invasive grass speices shows poor management. Furthermore the pale green color suggests a nitrogen imbalance which can be corrected through application of fertilizer.


If you’re not testing every liquid you drink for cat aids you is an idiot.


It’s obviously people other than you.

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That Guy certainly could be a Pole: look at those facial features, that dress sense, the slight belly.

Machine not doing its job yet, obviously.


I’m actually surprised how many people took the bait here. Monday afternoons are a bitch…


So, how are you going, birdbrain?

It’s not my job to educate you on the dangers of cat aids.



Careful, you might end up like Gary

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that’s got a lot of nitrogen in it.

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Contrary to the views expressed, Feline Leukemia Virus (FLeV), cannot be passed to any other animal speices. FeLV is passed from one cat to another through saliva, blood, and to some extent, urine and feces. The virus does not live long outside the cat’s body – probably just a few hours. (FeLV) is second only to trauma as the leading cause of death in cats, killing 85% of persistently infected felines within three years of diagnosis. Yet, exposure to the feline leukemia virus doesn’t have to be a death sentence; about 70% of cats who encounter the virus are able to resist infection or eliminate the virus on their own.


This has clearly been copied and pasted from the Internet. As a writing teacher, I can see such tricks from a mile away.

For example, the importance of cat aids as a source of lawn fertilizer is completely left out. Unacceptable.


Some people like burnt steak.
Burnt…Extra burnt. Add burnt onions. Gravy. Lots of options.


Somebody has to be the smartest guy in the room. By definition, they will be smarter than everyone else in the room. How to confirm whether they are actually the smartest can only be achieved by questioning what they say.

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what do you mean?

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Yeah I walk into a room and bam everybody leaves.

It’s uncanny. They must know I’m super smart and rather than feel inferior they run past me out the door.


you haven’t washed your ear scrotum recently.


My neurosurgeon said that to me. Then a nurse overrode his decision. Not sure which one was the actual expert. Me, the highly qualified doctor with lots of initials before and after his name, or the nurse that hadn’t even practiced nursing for the 10 years prior to overriding the highly qualified Dr’s assessment.

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I have Mondays off, so pretty pretty well actually.

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I marched in a “Save the Grass,…Maaan” protest on someday so, you’re poor use of the word spices is abhorrent.


I’m also an expert in misspelling/typos.

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