Write here like an expert but having no clue to people who know more than you

Why? People lie, and the smartest guy should also be the best liar.

The best cat aids are objectively the ones who assist with computer repairs

Change my mind.


How would anyone otherwise know?

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That’s the rub. Jesus was smart. Look what they did to him.

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Ahaha, you called him a pussy and he commented on the lawn. puuuuurfect!

Hi. its nice to meat you.

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No. All of the comments above this one are wrong. I haven’t even bothered to read them. They’re still wrong.


Jesus was smart? How the fuck would you know that?

That’s a pretty weird comment.

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I’ve been paying attention to what you guys have written these days, and I have clearly identified the following things:

  1. One of you was clearly molested in his childhood, and that’s why he writes with that mix of anger and pretended mind openness
  2. One of you was clearly bullied and you can tell it because of the nonsense he tries to pass as thoughtful insights… which have been debunked over and over but he was somewhere else when that happened… the last 50 years, all the time
  3. One of you was in love with his mother
  4. the previous guy at least is less pathetic than the other guy who was in love with his father. LOL
  5. the average of your salaries is well below what you guys have, in average, pretended, which makes me laugh as a mathematics aficionado
  6. not even a 10% of you have opened a book this year. And no, those ones with big pictures of unimportant things don’t count

I could continue but since I have a real job, something important for the society, I need to get back to it, the World needs me.


hey now, no need to make it personal

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What you see in others tells who you are.


According to thread title he is an expert in judging. :grin:

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Do you have something against coffee table books? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t think he ever talked about his salary.

Doubtful and not really.

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I don’t think you’re serious, but just in case:

One day Jesus was out in public talking to people. Some people approached him and asked, “Who gave you the authority to do all these things?” Jesus said, “Before I answer, I have a question for you: Did John the Baptist’s baptism come from heaven or from men?” The questioners conferred with each other, reasoning, “If we say it came from heaven, we’ll be supporting John’s cause, which will make us look like hypocrites. If we say it came from men, people in the audience who love John the Baptist are liable to injure or even kill us.” So they told Jesus, “We don’t know.” And Jesus said, “Then I won’t say who gave me the authority to do these things.”

Sounds pretty smart to me.

Albert Einstein, in “What Life Means to Einstein: An Interview by George Sylvester Viereck,” Saturday Evening Post, October 26, 1929, p. 117 (page 5 in the Internet Archive document), first column, near the bottom

Hahaha, Tando, Tando, Tando. You are the perfect example of someone who has no idea of anything other than copy and paste. I mean, it’s so obvious. Did you know that 5 out of 10 people who make that type of accusations are actually thinking of themselves? and the other 5 do the same, just unconsciously.

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It’s basic psychology. I could give you a more detailed explanation of all of this but I’m afraid you wouldn’t understand it, you need to do some reading first.


Pffff… as a matter of fact, I’m quite familiar with the topic, but none of the serious books on the topic have those big pictures you look at with bovine expression before you fall asleep.

I could talk for hours about that, but I have the feeling that it would be a waste of time. I like to share knowledge, but what could I possibly learn from you? As I said, I prefer to discuss these things with people who know at least the basics of what is being discussed.